Tag Archive: dogs


20-3-2014 westySo you found the drawing you were looking for, Helen?

Helen: Yeah – because I wanted to blog about dogs yesterday, but I couldn’t find the drawing. It’s a very good drawing Lulu did of her dog Westy.

Scott: She’s got a dog as well as a cat?

Helen: It’s just a toy, but she didn’t draw the rucksack on it’s back – and it’s a really good drawing.

So it’s got a rucksack as well?

Helen: It did, but she just didn’t draw it in the picture. She did a really good drawing of it.

Is it a boy or a girl?

Helen: I think it’s a boy. Yes, it’s a boy.

Why is it called Westy?

Helen: I don’t know – she just called it that.

And she’s got a cat as well?

Helen: She’s got a toy cat. You know that toy dog I’ve got, you press it’s back and it wags its tail?


Helen: Well, Lulu has a cat like that – except it’s a cat.

Has the cat got a name?

Helen: I think it’s called Jessie or Boots or something like that.

Anything you want to say, Scott?

Scott: Eh… Em… Don’t think so.

Nothing about toy dogs?

Scott: Apart from that it’s pretty weird, no.

Does it do toy poos?

Helen: No.

Scott: Some do, the really expensive…

Helen: Oh, those ones. Kaisa’s, whenever it stops moving, it pees. It’s just water.

It isn’t real pee?

Helen: No, just like water which comes out the bottom of it.

Does it poo?

Helen: No.

Good – you’d need to clean it up.

Helen: Yeah. When she feeds it, Kaisa always puts a towel under it so her mum doesn’t have to clean it up.

Minecraft dogs

19-3-2014 minecraft dog scott

Scott’s drawing…

What will we blog about tonight?

Scott: How about we just blog about dogs?

Helen: Let me think…

Scott: It doesn’t matter…

Helen: I want to blog about Minecraft.

Scott: It’s not your blog!

Helen: He asked me what I wanted to talk about.

Scott: Whose blog is it?

Helen: Poop’s.

What will we talk about, then?

Helen: Minecraft.

Scott: No – if we don’t have any particular reason to talk about Minecraft, it’s pointless. What number are we, anyway?

Don’t know.

Scott: Just blog about dogs.

Helen: No.

Scott: Sorry, but it’s my blog.

Helen: But he asked me what I wanted to talk about. Why don’t we blog about Minecraft dogs?

Scott: What about them?

Helen: Let’s just blog about them…

Okay, what are Minecraft dogs?

Scott: Hey! We never agreed to blog about that, but it’s in the name.

Helen: Yeah…

Scott: Helen…

Helen: You get bones…

Scott: They can be tamed with bones and when they’re tame, love particles appear.

Helen: And then… If you have a dog standing up and you, like, hit an animal or something like that, the dog will go after the animal and kill it.

Scott: What happens if the dog sees a creeper?

Helen: It runs away.

Scott: It runs away.

Helen: I said that.

Scott: You said all animals…

19-3-2014 minecraft dog helen

…And Helen’s.


11-10-2013 dogWhat are we talking about?

Scott: Hmm…, Apple, no? No. How about dogs? Yeah…


Scott: Yeah.

Why dogs?

Scott: I don’t know.

Why not cats?

Scott: I don’t know.

No idea?

Scott: I don’t know. No idea.

What is a dog?

Scott: A lot of people would know that. I think everyone would know that.

How would you describe a dog?

Scott: Em… Furry… Em… Some people might say cute, and…

Are they good pets or bad pets?

Scott: Well, depends.

On what?

Scott: Quite a lot of things, actually.

What’s the main one?

Scott: Whether you’re allergic or not.

Anything else?

Scott: Quite a lot like that. Another thing is that if you’ve got a lot of fragile and valuable stuff in your house, you wouldn’t want one because it would wreck most of it.

What’s your favourite kind of dog?

Scott: I don’t know.

Least favourite?

Scott: I don’t know.

Favourite colour?

Scott: (laughs) I don’t know. This is just getting a bit weird…

If you had to choose a favourite colour?

Scott: I’d run away…




Scott: Yeah.

Why are we talking about dogs?

Scott: I do not know.

Completely random?

Scott: Completely random.

Better than cats, though?

Scott: Yeah – definitely. Cats are evil and they are too smart…

Dogs are dumb and nice.

Scott: Yeah – the only thing they understand is their own name.

Nothing else?

Scott: (pause) I haven’t really liked dogs since Harvey’s one scratched me on the back five times. And then a couple of months ago, a dog completely knocked me over. So I’m not really keen on dogs.

But you like cats even less?

Scott: I like cats even less, though.


Scott: Well… As you say, cats are evil. As you said a bit earlier.

And they’ve never attacked you.

Scott: Yeah.

If you had a pet dog, what would you call it?

Scott: Em… Good question. I never spare a thought on that – might take a while to think about. Why do you ask?

I just thought it would be a good question.

Scott: It’s a great question, but I just can’t seem to think of an answer.

Give me a dog’s name – I’ll give you 10 seconds to make one up.

Scott: Bone – that’s a really easy answer, but that just came out of my mouth. I didn’t even think.

What about a cat’s name?

Scott: Evil – I don’t know, so I’m just going to say one. But if I had to, It’d be something weird like Furbey.

Furbey and Bone – best friends. Or enemies.

Scott: (laughs) Agreed!



Helen's drawing of Betty. Or is it Sam?

Helen: Dogs?


Helen: Dogs or puppies.

You could talk about both.

Helen: Yes.

What is a dog?

Helen: It’s a pet you look after.

Scott: A dog, Helen. Pets are lots of different things. A dog is a special type of animal, let’s say. That’s… More… More woofy than a cat.

Are they good or bad?

Helen: Bad.

Scott: Dogs are very good.

Helen: Sometimes dogs don’t wait.

Scott: Don’t wait for what?

Helen: Their masters.

Are dogs and cats friends?

Helen: No.

Scott: I don’t really know. The dogs like the cats, but the cats try and ignore the dogs for as long as possible.

What’s better, cats or dogs?

Scott: As far as I know, they’re both the same – like girls and boys.

If you had a dog, what would you call it?

Helen: Betty.

Scott: Bark.

Helen: I thought he would call his dog Betty. No, not Betty – Sam.