7-7-2014 wallWhat will we blog about?

Scott: Eh… (pause)

Any ideas?

Scott: No.

Anything interesting happen today?

Scott: (pause) Eh… I got a money box that steals all your money.

It stole 5p from me.

Scott: Yeah…

Anything else?

Scott: Nope.


Scott: Nope.


Scott: Huh.

Watching the Doctor Who episode when Davros came back.

Scott: That’s not that interesting to blog about.

What would be?

Scott: I don’t know.

Me tickling you.

Scott: That was death.

Having lunch in my canteen at work.

Scott: Yeah – that was good.

What was the best thing?

Scott: (pause) What do you mean?

What was the best part of that?

Scott: Lunch was interesting.

Interesting nice or interesting weird?

Scott: Nice.

What did you have?

Scott: Em… A salad and a bag of crisps.

And I gave you a quick tour of the building.

Scott: Yeah.

What was the most interesting bit of that?

Scott: A wall.

Sounds a bit dull…

Scott: Of a dungeon.

That’s more interesting.

Scott: They’re both the same thing.

True, true…

Scott: Good game, good game…