Tag Archive: Easter


21-4-2014 easterSo, what will we blog about?

Scott: Em…

Flying kites?

Scott: Easter.


Scott: Yeah.

Helen: So, yesterday was?

Okay, why do we celebrate Easter?

Scott: Something to do with an egg.

Helen: I know – because Jesus died, I think.

Scott: Something to do with eggs and a rabbit.

Does it have anything to do with Jesus?

Scott: Hmm… Maybe the rabbit does.

What about the eggs?

Scott: Hmm… Chocolate.

No connection to Jesus?

Scott: Maybe… Maybe something to do with an egg rolling down a hill to save him.

Are you serious?

Scott: Yes – I’m serious that I actually know. Something to do with an egg rolling down a hill from a cave and him coming back to life or something.

What does it have to do with chocolate?

Scott: Hmm… Because it’s tasty.

But what does it have to do with Easter?

Scott: What does it have to do with Easter?

Well, the egg represents the stone rolling away from Jesus’ tomb. And I think they are made out of chocolate just so they can be sold to children.

Scott: Why can’t they be made out of gummy bears?

Chocolate is easier, I think.

Scott: Aww…

Would you rather have gummy eggs?

Scott: Yeah.

What does that have to do with Jesus?

Scott: As much as chocolate does, that’s my point. An egg made out of gummy bears – I’d love that.



You and Helen went trampolining today.

Scott: Yeah.

How was it?

Scott: Okay. Pretty good. I was the highest jumper in the class, basically.

It sounded great.

Scott: Yeah – it properly was.

So how high did you go?

Scott: Really, really high.

Higher than your head?

Scott: Eh… I don’t know – about as high as my head occasionally.

How high did Helen go?

Scott: Not very.

Higher than her head?

Scott: No – about as high as her feet.

Just off the ground?

Scott: Basically, yeah.

Did you bounce on your bum?

Scott: Yeah, then got back up without standing on the ground… Twist… I did… Without… Jump on my bottom, then go in the air then, without putting my feet on the ground, bottom bounce again. And I did about six of them.

Do you want to do it again?

Scott: Yeah – I’ll be doing it again tomorrow.

I’m very jealous – I’d love to try it. Any adults there?

Scott: Maybe tomorrow – I don’t know.

How have the Easter holidays been?

Scott: Quite good.

What’s the best bit been so far?

Scott: Probably the trampolining, actually.

And you do it again tomorrow…

Scott: Yeah – that’s what I said…

Easter Sunday

easter egg

It was Easter Sunday today.

Scott: Yeah.

What did you do?

Scott: Quite a lot.

Like what?

Scott: Well, have an hour… Does having an hour and a half car journey count?

Yeah – did you do anything else?

Scott: Go to McDonald’s.

What did you do to celebrate Easter?

Scott: Nothing much today.

Did you have any chocolate eggs?

Scott: Hmm… I didn’t eat any.

But you had some yesterday.

Scott: Yeah – yesterday.

Why do we celebrate Easter?

Scott: Eh… Because it’s a religious festival.

And what does it represent?

Scott: The day Jesus was born again.

And why do we have eggs?

Scott: Eh… Because the stone at the end of the cave, it was rounded away like an egg.

It was rolled away.

Scott: Yeah.

So where does the Easter Bunny come in?

Scott: I don’t know.

Was he in the Bible?

Scott: I don’t know.

And what about hot cross buns?

Scott: Eh… Not a… Eh… The cross part comes in as the cross Jesus did on.

You’re right. Is Easter better then Christmas?

Scott: Christmas is better.


Scott: You know…

More presents?

Scott: Yeah, basically….

Early Easter

scott easter

As Scott and Helen are staying at Gran and Grandpa’s tonight, we had an early Easter egg hunt round the house and garden today.


bunny 1

bunny 2What are we talking about tonight?

Helen: Don’t get me in the blog – I don’t feel good.

Scott: That’s a good idea – about Helen not feeling good.

Helen: Let’s talk about East…

Scott: What does that have to do with anything?

Helen: Why don’t we talk about Scott?

Scott: And what does that have to do with…

Helen: A bum of the bum variety.

What will we talk about, then?

Helen: Easter.

Scott: That’ll be Sunday.

Helen: Easter eggs.

Scott: Why don’t we talk about origami Easter bunnies?

Helen: Because I don’t know about it.

Scott: Then you don’t need to join in.

Tell me about origami.

Scott: Eh… Chinese… Japanese… Kind of make something out of paper thing.

How do you do it?

Scott: By making folds in paper, basically.

Helen: And drawing poops on it.

Scott: That’s that exactly.

Helen: You do 600… Dots.

Scott: I can guarantee you’re nuts.

And you make a bunny?

Scott: Yeah – you can scan the instructions.

Have you still got them?

Scott: Think so.

How did the bunny work out?

Scott: Not very well.

Why not?

Scott: Well, only one turned out well then it didn’t stand up very well.

Anything you could make that would work better?

Scott: You could make a paper plane…




Scott: It’s not Easter.

Helen: It’s Easter Monday.

Scott: It is not…

Helen: Poo poo egg head.

Scott: It is not… That… You were saying it’s Easter Sunday.

Helen: I said it was Easter Monday.

Scott: I’m trying to trick her – I’ll continue the sentence…

Have you had a good Easter?

Scott: Yes.

What did you do yesterday morning?

Scott: Had a treasure hunt.

Helen: And went to Gran and Grandpa’s.

Scott: No, that was in the afternoon.

Did you find any treasure?

Helen: Yes.

Scott: No money.

Helen: But eggs.

Scott: Helen didn’t even know where I kept my 64.

You scoffed lots of chocolate.

Scott: No.

Helen did.

Scott: If you let me, I can create a very good Easter picture on my DS.

And then you went to Gran and Grandpa’s.

Scott: Yes.

What did you do there?

Scott: We had a sleepover… And for dinner we got to go to McDonald’s.

And we saw you at the park.

Scott: Yes.

And we’ll have fun for the rest of the week.

Scott: Well, yes.

What would you like to do?

Scott: Give me one word… Don’t know how I should put this… I don’t know how to put this… Probably… Here’s a way to put this – today I sent letters to my friends Luke and Harvey and the letters contained discs that had pictures of things we did at the sleepover and said please put them in the Bluray or PC to view the pictures.

Excellent. Why do we celebrate Easter?

Scott: It’s the day Jesus came back.

Why do we eat chocolate?

Scott: That never had a reason.



A terrific drawing Scott did of one of the chickens we met at Lang and Vikki's yesterday. The little lines are dried worms, by the way...

So, we saw chickens when we visited Lang and Vikki yesterday, didn’t we?

Scott: Yep.

What were they like?

Scott: There were brown feathers and a little bit of red.

Where was the red?

Scott: Skin hanging down.


Scott: A bit on the head and maybe a little bit underneath the head, on the chin. Underneath the chin.

Were they friendly?

Helen: No.

Scott: Well, they did jump up and peck the lettuce out of my hand.

Helen: Yes, at Lang and Vikki’s.

What do chickens eat?

Scott: Lettuce and dried worms.

Helen: Yuck – but they do eat soap.

Scott: They would turn into a bubble if they ate soap, Helen.

You found an egg.

Scott: Yes, before Helen could even get where it is.

What is an egg?

Scott: An egg is an egg – it’s what chickens lay.

But where does it come from?

Scott: I told you – eggs come from chickens.

Helen: I’ll give you a clue – lay, chicken’s bottom.

So eggs come out of a chicken’s bum?

Scott: Yes.

Helen: Yes, and if a chicken poos on the egg, there may be a titchy bit of poo on the egg.

Scott: Maybe they have one hole for the poo and one hole for the eggs, so they don’t get get pooey eggs coming out.

That makes sense.

Scott: I wonder how they create it. There would have to be a separate place for the poo, otherwise you’d get pooey egg white and yolk – get it?

What do you think of eggs now after meeting the chickens?

Scott: What do I think of eggs? Now I think they’re fresher than I thought they were before.

And are you still happy to eat chicken?

Scott: What does that mean?

Now you’ve met chickens properly and fed them, are you still happy to eat chicken?

Scott: If I still like it, yes.

So you would have have chicken nuggets at McDonald’s?

Scott: But I only get hamburger, or cheeseburger…


Easter egg

An Easter egg.

So, what is Easter?

Scott: Eh… eh… eh… so, em… ah…

Why do we celebrate Easter?

Scott: Because it was the day a giant rock went off Jesus’s cave.

So why is that important?

Scott: Em… because, em… Jesus is the son of God.

Why was the rock rolling away important?

Scott: Eh, because… I just said so! I just said why!

Who was Jesus?

Scott: What I just said.

And who is God?

Scott: God is… God.

What do we do to celebrate Easter?

Scott: We roll hard-boiled eggs down the hill – that’s one thing. Easter is tomorrow.

What’s the best thing about Easter?

Scott: It’s that we get to go out and find lots of eggs and you’re allowed to eat what’s inside them.

What, the inside of hard-boiled eggs?

Scott: No, like the ones we’ve got in the loft – the ones that split into two and…

You mean eggs with toys and chocolate inside?

Scott: Yes, with sweeties inside.

So, Easter is about Jesus?

Scott: Yes.

Then who is the Easter Bunny?

Scott: (silence) Ooh. I can’t answer that one – it’s really difficult.

Is he related to Jesus, do you think?

Scott: Maybe.

Maybe he’s God’s pet.

Scott: Yes, that’s what I was just thinking of!

I think we’ve got Easter figured out.

Scott: Yeah.