Tag Archive: education


scott school

Scott’s drawing of school work…

What’s on your mind tonight?

Helen: Mind? What’s a mind?

What are you thinking about?

Helen: Computers?

Scott: Don’t be silly.

Helen: I am – because computers are on Wednesdays.

Computers are on Wednesdays?

Helen: Yeah – I’m thinking about it. If we’re going to do games or a job.

Scott: I’m thinking about the Mario Brothers cross-over we blogged about a year ago.

Helen: I’m thinking about reading books.

So you’re both sort of thinking about school, then?

Helen: Yeah.

Scott: Kind of.

Do you like school?

Scott: No.

Helen: We hate school.

Scott: You love it – because you’re all baby-ish.

Helen: I know – I love school.

What’s the best thing about school?

Helen: Computers. What’s the least, Scott?

Scott: One word – Wednesday.

Helen: What do you hate about Wednesdays?

Scott: It’s very obvious Helen, you should know.

Helen: Just for the blog…

Scott: Helen…

Anything else you want to tell me about school?

Scott: Eh…

Helen: Eh… I made Easter Bunnies today.

Scott: Our project is Ancient Egypt.

Is that still your project?

Scott: Yeah.

What’s the newest thing you’ve learned about it?

Scott: That weapons were most commonly acquired by means of trading.

helen school

…And Helen’s drawing of Daddy, Scott and Helen at school.

Helen: I’m thinking about getting washed right now.

Fairtrade award


Tell me what you did today.

Scott: Em… After school, eh… Went to a Fairtrade thingy with the rest of the Fairtrade Group and at the award announcement we won the Lord Provost’s award – the best Fairtrade award a school can achieve.

That’s amazing – what did you need to do?

Scott: Just do a lot of Fairtrade activities.

And you were the best Fairtrade school in Edinburgh?

Scott: Yep.

Did you get an award?

Scott: A special certificate, officially signed.

And you got to shake the Lord Provost’s hand?

Scott: Yes.

Was he wearing his chains?

Scott: A big golden one.

And was he nice?

Scott: Yeah.

Sounds like a great day – you should be proud.

Scott: Yeah.

You should be. What happens with the Fairtrade Group now?

Scott: We were awesome! That’s all. We just became awesome, which is awesome. That’s all I’m going to say for now…


Leith Primary

Spot the difference...

Scott's Leith Primary

So, tomorrow is your last day in primary 2.

Scott: Yay!

How do you feel?

Scott: So excited.


Scott: Because I’m going to have a gigantic Summer holiday.

How will you feel not to be a P2 any more?

Scott: Excited.

What will be different in P3?

Scott: Eh… I’ll be officially done with P2.

Is that all?

Scott: Eh… (pause) Eh… P3 might be a little bit harder.

Helen: Or a little bit different.

Scott: Yes, and P2Bs will be there.

In your class?

Scott: Some from the other P2 class will be in P3, so it might change a little. And completely different teacher.

Why do you go to school?

Scott: To make you a bit clever and to give you a better education.

What would happen if you didn’t?

Scott: You could be taught at home – some people do that.

Would that not be boring?

Scott: No.

What are you planning to do in the Summer?

Scott: Going camping for a few days in a wigwam.

Anything else?

Scott: Eh… Don’t really know what else…

What would you like to do?

Scott: Go on holiday… No, we’re going there – Castle Douglas. Where else was it?

Helen: I know where – wigwam.

Brampton in Cumbria. Helen – how do you feel about stopping nursery for the Summer.

Helen: Excited, excited, excited.


Helen: Because we get to sleep in a pile.



Scott's drawing of his school, which is so big he had to draw it over two pages of paper.

What do you want to talk about?

Helen: Batman?


Helen: (laughs) Can we talk about Bathman? He’s like Batman but he can’t fly – he does nothing but sits in the bath all day.

Sounds great – what do you want to talk about Scott?

Scott: School?

Okay, what do you want to tell me about school?

Scott: Em… It can be boring at some points and it can be good at others. Sometimes there’s team points and sometimes there’s personal points.

So why do we go to school?

Helen: Because we need to.

Scott: Because we think about education – everything they’ve taught me, I know already. Apart from sums going up the way and along the way – but I just have to go blah blah blah blah…

So they can’t teach you anything?

Scott: Not much, because I know most of it already.

That’s because you’re clever, but there must be some things you don’t know.

Scott: Sometimes.

Tell me what you don’t know.

Scott: Em… I hardly know what I don’t know because I know so much.

Helen: He doesn’t know sums.

Scott: I do.

So what is the point of going to school?

Scott: I don’t know what I don’t know, so there may be things I don’t know.

What would you like to know more about?

Scott: Eh… eh…


Scott: Eh… I can’t really think of anything right now because…

Okay, what’s good about school?

Scott: Em… em… what was the question again?

What do you like about school?

Scott: I like golden time on Fridays.

What’s that?

Scott: You get to play on anything you want – and everything’s open. You can play on the computer and go into any site you want – I can even go on to Moshi Monsters.

What do you not like?

Scott: Having to do things I know already.

Is the food good?

Scott: Em… after break I usually get fruit and a bit of milk – so probably. I mean maybe. Sometimes the fruit changes.

And you’ve got friends at school – that’s good too.

Scott: I do have a lot of friends.

So school’s good then?

Scott: It’s pretty good.