Tag Archive: fish and chips

Holiday day one

york 1

Settling into the new apartment – and watching Total Wipe Out.


How’s the holiday so far?

Scott: Em… Good.

What’s the best bit been?

Scott: (pause) Christmas.

No, the best bit of being in York so far.

Scott: There’s wasn’t anything good. Feeling sick in the car: terrible. Well, I don’t know – nothing, really.

Getting fish and chips?

Scott: Maybe.

But you weren’t that hungry.

Scott: Not that hungry…

Getting a shot on the old-fashioned carousel?

Scott: Maybe – I don’t know.

Helen: I did.

Did you like it?

Helen: Yes, of course I did.

We just arrived tonight, so tomorrow will be more fun.

Scott: Yes.

What would you like to do on the rest of the holiday?

Scott: I do not know, but we’ll see.

We’ll hopefully have something more exciting to blog about tomorrow…

Scott: Yeah.

  • Due to dodgy wi-fi, we’re having to update when we can – hence this one being a day late.

Tasty lunch


Scott enjoys his lunch at the wonderful Cobbles Inn in Kelso, home of the equally-wonderful Tempest Brewing.


Scott: Hmm… Eh…

Any ideas?

Scott: Hmm… I’m thinking…

Helen: Foam.

Scott: You’re just saying what you see, aren’t you?

Helen: Towels.

Scott: I said…

Helen: Radiator, toilet…

We went for lunch in a great pub today that you said was the “best pub/cafe type place you’ve ever eaten in”…

Scott: Yes.

We could talk about that or…

Scott: Good idea. Or what? Well, let’s just talk about it…

What did you have?

Scott: An adult-sized portion of fish.

Anything else?

Scott: Eh… That was all that I ate.

No onion rings?

Scott: Oh yeah – I had onion rings too.

Eh… Anything else you want to say?

Scott: It was great!

What was so great about it?

Scott: It just tasted so great.

And the batter on the fish…

Scott: Was so crispy!

The batter on the fish and on the rings was made with their own beer.

Scott: Yeah – it was so nice.

Could you taste the beer?

Scott: No, but doesn’t that mean that the fish and that isn’t kid-friendly? What beer is it made from anyway?

Tempest beer.

Scott: What percentage does it have, or whatever it is?

Probably about five per cent.

Scott: Well, that kind of… Means you gave five per cent alcohol beer to children.

Well, when you could with it properly like they did all the alcohol goes away so it’s fine for anyone to eat.

Scott: Oh…

cobbles 2

…And Scott’s drawing of what his lunch looked like.



One of the zombies from ParaNorman.

We went to see ParaNorman today.

Scott: Yes.

How was it?

Scott: Quite good… I mean, it was really good.

Did you like it, Helen?

Helen: Hmm… Hmm… Do I have to?

Scott: No, you don’t have to.

I just wanted to know if you liked it.

Helen: I don’t know.

Why not?

Helen: I just don’t know.

You liked it though, Scott?

Scott: Yeah. I beat Helen didn’t like it because she thought it was too scary.

Did you think it was too scary?

Scott: No, not much.

What was the best bit?

Scott: I’m not sure – it was all really good… No, no – I really liked the crisps one.

What happened?

Scott: The guy chose to get crisps and they were like so far back – it was a crisp machine shaped like a spring – and it took so long to come out and the zombies were coming and he ran away and he had to come back just to get his bag of crisps.

Helen: Why didn’t he wait?

Scott: He thought he’d be caught by the zombies.

And we had fish and chips afterwards, didn’t we?

Scott: Yeah – it was so nice… But that’s not what we’re blogging about…

Family day

fruit farm

Busy day today, wasn’t it?

Scott: Yes (pretends to be asleep).

What did we do?

Scott: Did we go to the fruit farm first? And there we picked some fruit… I got a big meringue! Would that be all?

Probably – what did we do after that?

Scott: After that, we drove to a place with ceramic painting – and I painted a monkey. You’re a monkey…

What did I paint?

Scott: A lizard.

Is it good?

Scott: Oh yeah – I haven’t seen it on the wall yet (runs off to look at the lizard hanging on the wall). It seems kind of strange that yours is the smallest one there – if you’d had a chance, you’d have painted a bigger one.

His name is Cupar.

Scott: Koopa…

What did we do after that?

Scott: Eh… We… Did we just go back home? We went to a fish and chip place.

No, we had ice cream first.

Scott: Oh yeah – then we went to a fish and chip place.

How was it?

Scott: Well… You can’t really say chips, can you?

No, you didn’t have chips.

Scott: It was great. Just one problem.


Scott: The batter wasn’t exactly… Crispy and thick enough.

You still ate it all.

Scott: It was nice.

And we played Scrabble there as well.

Scott: Yes.

Do you want to go there again?

Scott: We’ve got exactly the sams Scrabble at home…




We had a fun day today.

Scott: Yay.

What did we do?

Scott: Eh… Hang on… I’m thinking… We…

We wandered about in Lancaster for a while.

Scott: Oh yeah.

Then we met Mummy after her run.

Scott: Oh yeah.

Then we had a picnic and we went for a swim.

Scott: Oh yeah.

How was the swimming?

Scott: Great.

What did we do?

Scott: Well, we basically just swam round really – since the flumes… I really liked the game we played. We got a big float, two people go on it and the first person to fall off loses – you try and push the other person off.

So we did that, and then went to Williamson Park.

Scott: What’s that again?

The playpark and the big sundial.

Scott: Oh yeah – that wasn’t bad. I mean, it was good – but we just didn’t do much.

What would you like to do tomorrow?

Scott: Eh… Any ideas? Any ideas? We wouldn’t need…

Fish and chips?

Scott: Yeah.

Would that be tasty?

Scott: Yeah!


What did we do today?

Scott: Trying to remember… Trying to remember… (long pause) I can’t remember…

We went to Morecambe.

Scott: Oh yeah – Morecambe. We got fish and chips, we went to amusement parks and we got sandy feet.

We had lots of fun.

Scott: Yeah.

What bit of today did you like best?

Scott: Probably the fish and chips.


Scott: Because it was so tasty.

You had fish rather than sausages…

Scott: Yeah. The fish was better, it’s like… Here’s the problem… The problem is the… It’s like a McDonald’s – you think you want to change. I don’t like the chips but there’s no choice to have chips. I’m not really a big fan of chips or anything – that’s a really big problem.

You don’t have to have chips.

Scott: Great.

You could just have fish or sausage.

Scott: Woo!

Would that be better?

Scott: Better, yes.

We also went to the amusements – was that fun?

Scott: Yeah.

Did you win anything?

Scott: I didn’t play games where you could actually win any proper prizes if you know what I mean.

I do. Then you paddled in the sea with your wellies and got very wet feet.

Scott: Yeah.

Yeah, but we got rid of the water…

Scott: Eventually. Longer a time than eventually…


What did we do today?

Scott: Well, we went to a farm and did a lot there.

Like what?

Scott: Saw animals, touched animals – you got a few chicks, didn’t you?

I did – I grabbed a couple of chicks and let you stroke them.

Scott: No, Helen did.

Did you not?

Scott: Remember, I had a staring contest with one and it nearly pecked me?

We also had a walk around Garstang…

Scott: Yeah.

That’s where we went to a few shops, including the sweet shop.

Scott: Yeah.

Was the sweet shop good?

Scott: Great. Marshmallow… Stuff.

You got a big jar of that marshmallow fluff.

Scott: That’s what I said.

I thought you said marshmallow stuff.

Scott: I did.

But you meant marshmallow fluff?

Scott: Duh – yes.

We also had a picnic.

Scott: Yeah.

You had olives.

Scott: Yeah. Yeah, I did. I did.

What was the best bit of today?

Scott: Probably the farm. There was amazing ice cream flavours. I’d like to have chosen bubble gum but there wasn’t enough left.

Maybe tomorrow…

Scott: Yeah.


Scott: We went to the beach, didn’t we?

Yep – what else did we do?

Scott: Existed.

Yes. We went to Happy Mount…

Scott: Oh yeah – water park!

Was that good?

Scott: Yeah.

What was best?

Scott: The water park.

And you were splashing about in the water.

Scott: Yeah – and Helen was too scared to swim in the sea. Even though I was swimming in it, Helen was too scared to exist in the sea.

We had fish and chips.

Scott: Oh yeah.

How was it?

Scott: Great.

What did you have?

Scott: Em… Just fish. Just fish!

Was it good?

Scott: Yeah. Best fish and chips I’ve ever had.

Except you had no chips.

Scott: No fish ever exist!

Then we swam in the sea…

Scott: I said that! No, seriously – I did…

Was it not cold?

Scott: Never! Never in a million years. Maybe.