Tag Archive: Halo


4-5-2014 haloSo, we got Halo yesterday.

Scott: Wait, wait.. I need the toilet. (runs off and comes back later)

So, we got Halo yesterday.

Scott: Yes.

How is it?

Scott: It’s great.

What do you have to do?

Scott: It’s just like a first person shooter game in… Set in the future.

And who do you kill?

Scott: Aliens.

We’ve escaped the spaceship…

Scott: Yeah.

Landed on the planet…

Scott: Yep, yep…

And found the other humans…

Scott: Yep – hummus.

What do we do now?

Scott: Em… We’ve got to just fight the endless hoardes of enemies threatening to kill us, probably.

Is that it?

Scott: Eh… So far.

We had a two player game today.

Scott: Yeah – we did a two player game.

Who was better, you or me?

Scott: Well – depends on what way, probably.

In the killing aliens way?

Scott: Hmm… Probably me.

Simpsons Lego

3-5-2014 simpsonsSo, Simpsons Lego minifigures…

Scott: Yeah.

We just found out by chance today that there are Lego minifigures packs out – we can talk about that.

Scott: Yeah – and maybe some of the other stuff I got.

What other stuff?

Scott: You know, like Halo and the game I got free with X Box Gold.

We can talk about Halo tomorrow.

Scott: Heh…

And we can talk about the Simpsons tonight.

Scott: Okay.

We just found out randomly when we saw them in a shop.

Scott: Yeah – and there might even be a Lego Simpsons movie.

And we got four of them.

Scott: That would make such a cool animation – the normal sitting down animation but in Lego.

So we got four minifigures…

Scott: Yeah – if we got the whole of the Simpsons family, we could make a sitting down video.

What’s the best one you got?

Scott: Eh… Homer or Itchy and Scratchy.

Which is the best in the series?

Scott: Em… (reads leaflet) I think they look like they’re all pretty good, but you’d be pretty annoyed if you got Millhouse – although it’s one you need to complete your collection. Maybe the best one might be… That’s hard. They’re all really cool.


Scott: Ha ha…