Tag Archive: Halo 4


10-7-2014 sunriseWhat are we blogging about?

Scott: Eh… Em, I don’t know…

Your sleepover last night?

Scott: Alright.

How much sleep did you get in the end?

Scott: Four hours.

You were awake until…

Scott: Half seven, about.

Did you sleep at all before then?

Scott: Eh… Nope.

What did you do all night?

Scott: Played X Box.

All night?

Scott: Yeah, all night and then all that bit of the morning.

Were you not really tired?

Scott: It wears off once you’re at about four o’clock.

Are you not tired now?

Scott: Well… Just a tiny bit.

Try and get as much sleep as you can tonight.

Scott: Yeah, yeah, yeah…

What were you playing anyway?

Scott: Halo 4 and Minecraft.

Just two games all night?

Scott: A tiny bit of Call Of Duty and… That was it apart from that Lego Marvel – and we saw a guy who’d lost his monkey and he’d sing for you if you found it.

Did you find the monkey?

Scott: Nah – instead we blew him up. The old guy, not the monkey…

Halo 4

31-5-2014 haloSo, Halo 4…

Scott: True.

Helen: What about it?

Scott traded in his 3DS today and bought it with some of the money he got.

Scott: Yeah – my DS and all my games.

And got Halo 4.

Scott: Yeah – and Call Of Duty Ghosts, in brackets COD.

And I got Fallout 3.

Scott: A let you get a game. What’s that even about?

A first person shooter.

Scott: Ooh… A first person shooter – interesting.

How’s Halo 4?

Scott: Really good graphics.

And the gameplay?

Scott: As good as the graphics.

I seem to be worse at it than the first one.

Scott: How?

You kill me more easily in this one.

Scott: Yeah, with all the new guns and stuff.

What’s your favourite new weapon so far?

Scott: People hate me when I use the sticky detenator – that may be the best of it might be the saw. The saw.

Is one player or two player better?

Scott: Depends what you want to do.

And we also did multi-player.

Scott: Like online multi-player – which was basically you stuck on a plasma cannon.

Marks out of 10?

Scott: Woah – 10!