18-7-2014 islandI was going to ask about your boat trip to the island today…

Helen: Good. All good things, all good things…

What was the island like?

Helen: Em… It was actually quite big compared to what I thought.

What was there to see on it?

Helen: There was a big ruined castle and a shop. Scott, what did you think was quite nice on the island?

Scott: The new update on Minecraft PE.

Helen: That was nothing to do with the island.

Scott: I bet there was someone who plays Minecraft on the island…

Did you see seals?

Helen: Yeah.

Scott: I liked the awkward moment seal…

Helen: When we were coming out, we saw one with a tiny head bobbing out. And millions of sausages.

Millions of sausages?

Helen: Scott thinks sausages are seals.

Scott: (whispering) She thinks sausages are seals – she’s nuts.

How many did you see?

Scott: A hundred billion trillion.

Helen: Scott’s right.

Mum: About 20.

Scott: Oh, right…

Is that the first time you’ve been on a boat?

Scott: Yeah.

Helen: Yeah, it was the first time I’ve been on a boat.

What about that boat in Castle Douglas?

Scott: First time I’ve been on a cruise, then…

Helen: That’s two fortune cookie things gone – someone loves you and you will be on a cruise.