Tag Archive: Killer Croc

Custom Lego Batman

batman custom

Scott’s custom Batman figures: Scarecrow, Mr Freeze, the Joker, Penguin and Killer Croc.

What are we blogging about?

Scott: Oh – the Lego Batman customs I made.

Okay – so who have you made?

Scott: So far I’ve made the Joker, Mr Freeze, the Scarecrow, the Penguin and Killer Croc in custom. Only Mr Freeze is the only one without stickers, but he’s still custom because he’s got a green helmet and a skeleton face.

And why do you make them?

Scott: Because they come in handy to make my animations.

And the real ones are too expensive.

Scott: Yeah, that’s what I mean – the real ones are two expensive.

And how do you make them?

Scott: Stickers – apart from the Mr Freeze, of course.

They look great.

Scott: Good – I’ll just go and get the Penguin and Killer Croc…

But you’re hoping to get some more real Lego Batman for your birthday.

Scott: Yeah – I’ve asked Gran for the Joker helicopter. The only character I’ve got in real other than Batman is Two Face.

And Catwoman.

Scott: Oh yeah – Catwoman.

And you’re hoping we’ll get you a set as well.

Scott: Yeah – the new Arkham Asylum looks amazing, shame it’s so expensive.

I thought you didn’t like the Joker in that one?

Scott: It looks amazing, it’s just that it’s so expensive… It’s a good set -I suppose the Joker is quite rubbish, because it’s an orange outfit rather than the original purplish. That’s why I’ve asked Gran for the Joker helicopter – and I was also hoping for those minifigures with speech bubbles.

Okay, we’ll see…

Lego Joker henchmen


What did you do a drawing of?

Scott: Em… The… Lego minifigures.

Which ones?

Scott: The Joker’s henchmen – well, kind of… If you could make the greatest Lego Joker henchmen that’s what they’d look like, kind of thing.

Why did you draw them?

Scott: Don’t know – just thought that it would look interesting.

Is it because you’re into Lego Batman at the moment?

Scott: Em… Yeah.

And you’re imagining ones you’d like to make?

Scott: Yeah – if you could print your own minifigure body.

We ordered some Lego guns today.

Scott: Yeah – Lego Tommy guns.

They’re the ones Killer Croc uses.

Scott: Eh… Yeah – and if you put a flag in the end, it would be a Joker gag gun.

You’re hoping to get a Batman set with the money you got from your smash bank.

Scott: Yeah.

Which one?

Scott: That is a really hard choice…

The one with the best minifigures?

Scott: Yeah, probably – but which one has the best figs? They’ve all got really good minifigures.

A set with the Joker in it – Arkham Asylum? But that’s very expensive.

Scott: Yeah – very. A bit too. I’m thinking… The cheapest Joker set is the one with the helicopter.

How much is that?

Scott: Not sure – but it’s definitely cheaper than the Arkham Aslyum, right?

I’ll take your word for it.

Scott: Cheaper – way cheaper!