12-3-2014 catsWhat will we talk about?

Helen: Dolphins.

Can you do me a drawing of a dolphin?

Helen: Uh… That would be hard…

Something else, then?

Helen: Wait – let me think… Kittens. Or cats, or something…

Kittens or cats?

Helen: Both.

What are cats?

Helen: Em… It’s kind of like a big animal which has lots of fur and three whiskers, and sometimes it has thin eyes and sometimes it has thick eyes. And sometimes they could be different colours, like black or ginger or black and ginger.

And what’s a kitten, then?

Helen: A kitten is kind of the same as a cat. A cat has a kitten – a cat’s the Mummy and the kitten’s the baby.

And what’s cutest?

Helen: What’s cutest? What do you mean?

Is a cat cuter than a kitten?

Helen: No, I think a kitten’s cuter than a cat.

Are cats better than dogs?

Helen: I don’t actually know. I wouldn’t have both.

Why not?

Helen: Because I do believe that they could fight and fight and just eat each other. And I wouldn’t want my dog to eat my cat or my dog to be eaten by my cat.

If you had a pet cat, what would you call it?

Helen: Em… Whiskers.

What about a baby kitten?

Helen: Em… I would call it Coco.

Why Coco?

Helen: I don’t know – it just sounds like a good name. Or if I had to choose another one, I would call it Mittens.