Tag Archive: Lego Batman

Custom Lego Batman

batman custom

Scott’s custom Batman figures: Scarecrow, Mr Freeze, the Joker, Penguin and Killer Croc.

What are we blogging about?

Scott: Oh – the Lego Batman customs I made.

Okay – so who have you made?

Scott: So far I’ve made the Joker, Mr Freeze, the Scarecrow, the Penguin and Killer Croc in custom. Only Mr Freeze is the only one without stickers, but he’s still custom because he’s got a green helmet and a skeleton face.

And why do you make them?

Scott: Because they come in handy to make my animations.

And the real ones are too expensive.

Scott: Yeah, that’s what I mean – the real ones are two expensive.

And how do you make them?

Scott: Stickers – apart from the Mr Freeze, of course.

They look great.

Scott: Good – I’ll just go and get the Penguin and Killer Croc…

But you’re hoping to get some more real Lego Batman for your birthday.

Scott: Yeah – I’ve asked Gran for the Joker helicopter. The only character I’ve got in real other than Batman is Two Face.

And Catwoman.

Scott: Oh yeah – Catwoman.

And you’re hoping we’ll get you a set as well.

Scott: Yeah – the new Arkham Asylum looks amazing, shame it’s so expensive.

I thought you didn’t like the Joker in that one?

Scott: It looks amazing, it’s just that it’s so expensive… It’s a good set -I suppose the Joker is quite rubbish, because it’s an orange outfit rather than the original purplish. That’s why I’ve asked Gran for the Joker helicopter – and I was also hoping for those minifigures with speech bubbles.

Okay, we’ll see…

Batman quiz

batman quiz

You’re going to do me a Lego Batman quiz tonight?

Scott: Yeah.


Scott: Don’t know – just thought it would be fun.

What do you need to do?

Scott: Well, you can always scan it before you put the answers in…

So I need to answer questions?

Scott: Yeah.

But you’re doing drawings in it as well?

Scott: I’ll do a few colouring-ins to make it fun. People who read this can print out the quiz and see if they get it right.

That means we’ll need to put the answers in too.

Scott: The next day.

Okay – that can be our next blog.

Scott: No – actually, we’ll wait two days until we put it on so that someone who reads it all… We’ll wait two or three days and then put the answers up.

Okay, to give people a chance.

Scott: Yeah.

Do you get a prize?

Scott: I’d never have thought of that. No. Not really… It’ll just be…

Just for fun?

Scott: Yeah.

Lego Joker henchmen


What did you do a drawing of?

Scott: Em… The… Lego minifigures.

Which ones?

Scott: The Joker’s henchmen – well, kind of… If you could make the greatest Lego Joker henchmen that’s what they’d look like, kind of thing.

Why did you draw them?

Scott: Don’t know – just thought that it would look interesting.

Is it because you’re into Lego Batman at the moment?

Scott: Em… Yeah.

And you’re imagining ones you’d like to make?

Scott: Yeah – if you could print your own minifigure body.

We ordered some Lego guns today.

Scott: Yeah – Lego Tommy guns.

They’re the ones Killer Croc uses.

Scott: Eh… Yeah – and if you put a flag in the end, it would be a Joker gag gun.

You’re hoping to get a Batman set with the money you got from your smash bank.

Scott: Yeah.

Which one?

Scott: That is a really hard choice…

The one with the best minifigures?

Scott: Yeah, probably – but which one has the best figs? They’ve all got really good minifigures.

A set with the Joker in it – Arkham Asylum? But that’s very expensive.

Scott: Yeah – very. A bit too. I’m thinking… The cheapest Joker set is the one with the helicopter.

How much is that?

Scott: Not sure – but it’s definitely cheaper than the Arkham Aslyum, right?

I’ll take your word for it.

Scott: Cheaper – way cheaper!

Lego Batman

lego batman

I thought we could talk about Egyptians.

Scott: Why?

I thought you were learning about them at school.

Scott: Not yet.

So you don’t know anything about them yet?

Scott: Not yet… Well, we have our own general knowledge of Egpyt – but, apart from that, nothing.

So maybe not a good thing to talk about?

Scott: Maybe – maybe not.

Helen: Why ask?

Do you want to talk about something else then?

Scott: Em… Maybe – what else do you suggest?

Don’t know – any suggestions?

Scott: Em… I want to do a Lego photo tonight.

Of what?

Scott: Lego Batman – very certain minifigures in a very funny scene.

What would we talk about then?

Scott: Would it be okay if we did that, though?

Sure – but what would we talk about?

Scott: I mean today…

Okay – what do you want to tell me, though?

Scott: Em… Well, you’ll have to ask me questions rather than just: “What do you want me to tell you?”

What’s the picture going to be of?

Scott: I told you – the Lego Batman. I’m not very precise at the moment… But you’ll see, you’ll like it.

Okay, we can just let the picture speak for itself.

Scott: Yes, just… How about you ask me a proper question now?

I’m not sure what to ask until I see the picture.

Scott: Well, let’s add a bit to this once you’ve seen the picture.

We can just use the picture?

Scott: Em… Okay.

Lego DC Superheroes


Okay, so we’re talking about superheroes…

Scott: Em… Not quite – the Lego DC Superheroes, if you were listening…

Not general superheroes?

Scott: Not general superheroes… Not general superheroes…

Okay, tell me about Lego DC Superheroes, then.

Scott: That’s the new… Em… Like… Well, know how there used to be really old Lego Batman? Well, they’ve sort of brough that back with Superman, Hulk… With Superman, there’s also an Avengers series.

What one’s your favourite?

Scott: I don’t know… Hmm…

You were talking about Hulk…

Scott: I do like the look of the Hulk one. Can we go to the shops and see if they’ve got them tomorrow?

If we’re passing a toy shop, we might.

Scott: Aw! I wanted to go there…

Why are you so desperate to go to the shops?

Scott: I just like the look of the Lego DC Superheroes. And I didn’t say I was desperate in the first place…

Remember when we visited the Lego shop in Liverpool and the lady told us they were coming out?

Scott: Yeah – in April, they were out in April.

I think they look great.

Scott: I so want one!

Lego. Again.

Lego Agent

A Lego Agent mini-figure. Lego - if you're reading, bring Agents back!

Scott: Can you keep this private from the blog? (Spots Daddy writing) I told you to keep it private… What do you think of talking about Lego sets they should bring back? Would it be okay to do that?

Helen: Can we not talk about the DVD?

Scott: What do you think?

That would be fine.

Scott: I do really wish they’d bring Lego Agents back and Lego Adventures and the Lego cowboys and the older Lego guys.

What older Lego guys?

Scott: Lego guys that weren’t really Lego guys – we’ve got a few of them. They should bring back Exo-Force and they should bring back Lego Batman and they should bring back Lego pirates. And Mars Mission. And every Lego they’ve lost. If Lego is reading this blog, I’ll bring them into it – they should bring all the sets back.


Scott:  But what?

Surely they can’t bring back every set?

Scott: That would be quite hard – bringing back the really oldest stuff. I think they should bring back Exo-Force and Lego Adventures, not Orient Express.

Are there any sets they shouldn’t bring back?

Scott: I… Eh… I… All I’m thinking is that they’ll never stop bringing back Lego Star Wars.

What’s the worst set ever?

Scott: Worst set ever…

Helen: I know.

Scott: What?

Helen: Lego exclusives.

Scott: They’re actually the best sets ever, because they’re exclusive.

Helen: I know why they’re bad – too many blandman faces.

Scott: If anyone doesn’t know what a blandman face is, it’s just a plain smiley face you get on exclusive sets. If the guy that does the Lego a day blog should read this…

Lego Batman dream

So, tell me about the dream you had last night.

Scott: Well, at the end it was scary -but it was quite happy at the start.

What time did your dream start?

Scott: I don’t know, sometime around three in the morning.

I thought you knew the exact time?

Scott: Well, I wasn’t reading it while I was asleep – hello!

So what time was it when you woke up?

Scott: Four something, I think. Four oh one.

What happened in the dream?

Scott: Well, there was this big silver ball and this lego guy, he had this big laser gun and I was so scared and it hit me once and it felt as though this big lump had gone up in my tummy.

So you got shot?

Scott: By the laser gun at the end – the last shot before I woke upo.

And it caused a lump?

Scott: Yes, the gun caused a lump. The picture shows what colour the bullets were.

Who was chasing the balloon?

Scott: Me and someone I didn’t know.

And you got shot after that?

Scott: Once it got to the Lego Joker – he sort of shot me with the Lego gun.

Sounds quite scary.

Scott: Yes, I was so scared and I woke up.

Isn’t it amazing what your brain thinks about when you’re asleep.

Scott: Yes, very amazing – and I did the picture in cartoon strip.

lego batman dream


Lego heads

Just some of the 250+ Lego heads we discovered (all the bodies and accessories not pictured) when we tidied up all the Lego today.

Scott: What’s this going to be about, Lego?

Is that what you want to talk about?

Scott: I would like to…

Helen: Tell…

Scott: You that…

Helen: I…

Scott: Lego is the most buildable product.

Helen: Lego is for building and you need to shake them.

Scott: I’ve got over 200 Lego guys, all the people who are reading.

Is that too many?

Scott: What? At least over 200 guys.

That’s an awful lot.

Scott: It is – you counted. You know how girly Lego is coming out – I think Helen will like it.

What’s your favourite Lego?

Scott: I’ll bring over my favourite Lego (gets some Lego Batman minifigures). At least I’ve got what my favourite is. It does change a lot.

Is there any Lego you want that you can’t get?

Scott: I wish there was a Lego Batcave but it doesn’t completely use Lego.

What do you mean?

Scott: Like the Batcave in the game – lots of metal pieces and lots of Lego that joins on to the metal, and lots of sliding doors.

If someone is reading this, they might make it.

Scott: Well… It would include the butler and the wee suits you get at the bottom where you pull the lever and the suit changes…

So, basically, Lego Batman?

Scott: Yes, basically – a new sort of Lego Batman and all that idea.


Who are superheroes?

Scott: Superheroes are sort of people who, like, save the day, and well…

Helen: Save the world?

Scott: Yes, quite right Helen.

Are superheroes real?

Scott: Well, sort of.

Why sort of?

Scott: Because I’m not sure. No, all superheroes are cartoons – quite a lot of them are, but not all of them.

Who’s your favourite?

Scott: Does it have to be Marvel? I’m sort of liking the Lego Batman game, so I think Lego Batman. I’m not sure, sort of.

Are there any other superheroes you like?

Scott: No.


Scott: Well, I’m not quite sure. I don’t know all the superheroes – you know what I mean?

Can you think of some baddies?

Scott: The Joker – that’s easy to remember. Just Batman ones?


Scott: Wasn’t the Hulk sort of a baddie?

I don’t know – what do you think?

Scott: Baddie.

Okay, let me know what you think of these baddies from the old Top Trumps from the charity shop today. First, Plantman.


Scott: He’s sort of like the Hulk except he’s got the hat and the body’s just a teeny bit different.

Helen: He looks like a Batman tennis guy. The age he is is four and a half.

Egg Head.

Egg Head

Scott: He looks like a mad scientist changed into an egg.

Helen: He looks like a dentist.

Miracle Man.

Miracle Man

Scott: He looks like sort of like a blue vampire.

Helen: He looks like a blueberry.



Scott: He looks like a sort of, the owl mask looks like a fox mask and the green thing is like Little Red Riding Hood’s hood in green.

Helen: Water.

Mad Thinker.

Mad Thinker

Scott: Well, he sort of looks like an alien with hair.

Helen: I think he’s like an alien with a bucket of cold water and he’s spilt and he’s got soap in the bucket of water.



Scott: He’s sort of like a greenish owl sort of bird sort of.

Helen: He’s like a budgie.

If you were a superhero, what would you be called?

Scott: Can you not do another question?

Okay, what would your superpower be?

Scott: Am I allowed two or three?


Scott: The flying one – yeah. Other ones would be super strong and third and last would be invisibility.

What would you do with your superpowers?

Scott: I’d get to school super quick.

Lego Batman

So, tell me about Lego Batman.

Scott: And don’t forget we’re talking about the video game.


Scott: Well, it’s actually… so far I’ve unlocked a five player level.

Let’s go back as bit – what’s the game about?

Scott: It’s about catching the Joker. Well, I’m not sure which one he is – I don’t think he’s Two Face.

Who is Batman?

Scott: Eh… eh… That’s a really hard one you picked. Eh… eh… Batman is a person dressed up as a bat.

Helen: He’s a man. He’s a bat and a man.

Scott: Helen!

Helen: (crying) Scott nipped me…

Is Batman a goodie or a baddie?

Scott: Goodie. The goodest goodie you can think of.

Who is Robin?

Scott: Robin… I… I… eh… Can you just leave that question please?

What do you need to do in the video game?

Scott: It’s sort of about building the Lego to complete the levels. Sometimes there’s turner things you have to turn to open a door or work an elevator.

How do you win the game?

Scott: Sort of by defeating all the bosses. There’s one boss a level. There’s one thing I’m not sure about – maybe the bosses come back.

You mean they’re not really dead?

Scott: They come back in another level. On the X Box, you have to complete all the levels before you get free play – Luke told me today.

What’s better – Batman Lego or the video game?

Scott: The video game I think.


Scott: Because you don’t have to do much building – like… but… In the real Lego, you have to build it until you play with it. In the video game, some bits aren’t made of Lego.

What’s best – one player or two player?

Scott: One player is really good.

Is it not better with two people?

Scott: Can I tell you, only one player is better. One player is better because ‘press C to change your character’, unless it’s story mode and you were at the start and you were Batman and you can press C to be Robin.

It’s better because you can change characters?

Scott: Yes. It’s especially good if it’s story mode. Two players can be the same person in free mode at the same time.

Helen, what do you think of Batman?

Helen: He’s got a blue bag.

What’s in the bag?

Helen: Em… a toilet.

Are you just saying what you see?

Helen: Yeah… and he has a dog called Moo.

Is that true?

Scott: No. No. No matter how many times I’ve played the video game, there’s no dog.

Lego Batman

A screenshot from Lego Batman on the Wii. Not really, it's Scott's brilliant drawing of the video game.