Tag Archive: Lego Movie

Lego Movie again

7-3-2014 lego movie photoSo, what are we talking about?

Scott: Hmm…

I think you’ve got a plan…

Scott: Hmm… I wanted to talk about all the Lego Movie things I have.

And do a drawing?

Scott: And I’ll do a drawing and have a photo – is that okay?


Scott: Okay.

So, what do you want to tell me?

Scott: Hmm… I’m going to try and remember all the sets I have. I’ve got the Melting Room…


Scott: I just want to draw that so I know what I’ve said and what I haven’t… Em… Glider Getaway…

Are you still drawing?

Scott: Yeah – I’m still drawing. That one… Em… Bad Cop’s Pursuit…

Are you going to count all the minifigures you have?

Scott: I might try to… Metalbeard’s Duel…

That must be it…

Scott: I don’t… I think it is…

More sets?

Scott: Wait, I’m just going to try and remember… I think there’s another one…

I think that’s it.

Scott: I know there’s another one, but… Gimme a sec…

Do you remember yet?

Scott: Nah. That’s the Lego Minecraft I’m thinking of.

So that’s it?

Scott: I think so… Gimme a sec…

Are there any other Lego Movie sets you still want?

Scott: I do sort of want the Lord Bizness’ Evil Lair… And I sort of want a set that has Wildstyle with the hood down…

Do you like the Lego Movie, Helen?

Helen: Yeah – it was awesome.

Scott: Was everything awesome?

Helen: Yeah…

Scott: (singing) Everything was awesome…7-3-2014 lego movie drawing


27-2-2014 birthday

The card Helen – sorry, Troll, made for Scott…

So how was your birthday?

Scott: Em… Well, bad at school good out of school is the…

What did you do before school?

Scott: Em… Opened my presents and plugged in the wi-fi adaptor.

And what about after school?

Scott: Went to Pizza Express and… The cinema, to see the Lego Movie.

How was the film?

Scott: Everything certainly was awesome. I made that up – 100 per cent original.

Marks out of 10 for the film?

Scott: Film – that’s 10.

Was it as good as you thought it would be?

Scott: Better.


Scott: The ending was a bit weird, though.

When it went a bit real life?

Scott: Oh yeah – that was a bit weird.

Does it feel different being 10?

Scott: Nah – not really.

Good birthday?

Scott: Yeah.

And you’ll go bowling and then for dinner with your pals on Saturday.

Scott: Yeah…

Anything else?

Scott: Not really… (sings) Everything is awesome, everything is cool when you’re part of a team…


23-2-2014 minecraft

Mummy, Scott and Helen wearing their Minecraft heads.

Scott: You were saying?

What are we blogging about?

Scott: Em… Em… The party thing… The party like thing… Was it a party? What do you call it?

I think it’s a party.

Scott: Yeah – okay.

We had some people round for your birthday.

Scott: Yours too.

Yeah – but mainly yours.

Scott: Yours is closer.

True. What did we do?

Scott: Hmm… Well… Em… Played pass the parcel – this isn’t in order – ate some cake, it was a Minecraft one. I got a Lego Movie set from Gran and Grandpa. I… Well… We made big sort of mask things – you got a photo of that. That’s the day sort of summed up. And we watched the Harry Hill Movie earlier before anyone was over.

How was the movie?

Scott: Yeah – it was good.

And the masks we made were Minecraft heads.

Scott: Yeah.

What are they made of?

Scott: Cardboard, paint and paper.

We made three.

Scott: Yeah – two were heads and one was a sort of helmet.

Which is yours?

Scott: The Creeper head.

Not the helmet?

Scott: No – I didn’t make that.

And we’re going to go and see the Lego Movie on your birthday.

Scott: Yeah.

And you’ll have a fun day out with your pals at the weekend.

Scott: Yeah yeah…

Because you’ll be 10.

Scott: Hmm…


Scott: I don’t think it’s scary…

It is for me…

Scott: Ha ha…

Lego Movie minifigures

8-2--2014 lego movieWhat will we blog about, then?

Scott: Em… All those minifigures I got – the Lego Movie series.

Okay, that would be good.

Scott: Okay.

You used a gift voucher you had…

Scott: Yeah – three actually.

And we thought that would get us three minifigures.

Scott: But the woman forgot to scan one, so we could get another one.

So you ended up with four.

Scott: Yeah.

Which ones?

Scott: Em… Two good cops, the panda and hard-hat Emmet.

Which one’s your favourite?

Scott: Em… Either the panda or the good cop.

What about when his head spins round so he becomes the bad cop?

Scott: Oh yeah – that’s good.

And you don’t mind having two of him?

Scott: Yeah – that’s good.

We can try and see the movie on your birthday.

Scott: Yeah.

How does it look?

Scott: The adverts look great.

Any other Lego Movie sets you would like for your birthday?

Scott: Yeah – I put one of those on the list.

Does the video game look good?

Scott: That minifigure thing looks great… When’s the video game out?

On the 14th, I think.

Scott: The game, I mean.

Yeah, the 14th – same day as the film I think.

Scott: Can we pre-order it? I really want those cool minifigures, and you could save it for my birthday.

We’ll see…

Scott: Good.


12-1-2014 cinemaSo what are we talking about?

Scott: Hmm… Good question.

You said that last night too.

Scott: (pause) Hmm?

The cinema?

Scott: Alright.

What did…

Scott: I mean, like, cinema in general or what we saw at the cinema? I’d say cinema in general.


Scott: Okay.

What are you going to tell me?

Scott: Em… Em… Cinema, right…. I think… Sometimes that’s a hard to answer question – a more specific question would be good.

What is cinema?

Scott: Cinema’s a bit like the big screen for watching movies.

What’s the best film you’ve ever seen?

Scott: Good question. But what will probably be the best film… The Lego Movie looks amazing.

So you think that’ll be the best film you’ve seen?

Scott: That’s what it looks like.

What’s the worst film you’ve seen?

Scott: (pause) If it was, it would probably be one I fell asleep in the middle of. I think it was called Out Of The Blue or something – it was about foxes.

Oh yeah – I remember that. It was called The Girl And The Fox.

Scott: I remember it, I was bored to death…

The film about the girl and the fox…

Scott: Probably.

How does cinema work, then?

Scott: Well, in the olden days there was always a projectionist. But nowadays there are no projectionists – it’s all done by computers. But if there is, there’s only one projectionist.

Did you learn that from Mark Kermode?

Scott: Technically, but I knew it already.

Mary Poppins

29-12-2013 mary poppinsOkay, so we went to the cinema today.

Scott: Yeah.

What did we see?

Scott: Mary Poppins.

How was it?

Scott: It was okay.

Marks out of 1o?

Scott: I’ll give it… Eight, say?

That’s higher than I thought you would give.

Scott: Okay – seven, but… It was good, but not too much.

What was the best bit?

Scott: The best bit… I just sort of liked it all, there was no really best bit.

What was the worst bit?

Scott: I never really had one – it was just medium all the way through, sort of. What was your best and worst bit?

I thought it was a bit boring, to be honest – too much singing and dancing.

Scott: The singing was a bit… It was a bit: “We get the point, just get on with it.” And it’s not even like a musical…

It seems very old-fashioned now.

Scott: Because it is. How old-fashioned was it when it was made?

It’s always been set in a time before it was made.

Scott: Hmm…

But it just seemed…

Scott: Ancient.

Yeah – compared to what we watch now.

Scott: Yeah. Well, it was better animation than I could do at home.


Scott: But that’s just at home.

And there were a few funny bits.

Scott: Sort of. I didn’t really get the bit about the man floating when he laughed.

Neither did I, to be honest. It’s a very famous film, and there’s also a film out about the making of it.

Scott: Yeah. I’m more excited about the Lego film, though.

So am I.

Scott: Yeah.

And the Muppets movie.

Scott: Nah – I’m not that much excited by that.