Tag Archive: Leith Primary

Back to school

13-8-2014 school
Back to school today…
Scott: Yeah.
Helen: Yeah.
How was it to be back?
Helen: Good – my teacher was…
Scott: Good.
You seemed pretty happy to be back.
Scott: Yeah.
Tell me about it.
Scott: Many types of, like, rewardy things…
What do you mean?
Scott: Em… Miss Lester has lots of different types of rewards. Golden tickets which are for a reward at the end of the week. And then there’s also marbles, which you put in a jar and once it adds up to 100, the whole class gets a prize. Stuff.
What are the prizes?
Scott: Which type?
Golden ticket?
Scott: Golden ticket – stuff like getting the teacher’s chair for a week. Do you know what the best thing is?
Scott: It’s a spinny office chair.
Wow. What do you get for the marble jar?
Scott: The class will get stuff like go to the park or a slightly longer golden time – that sort of stuff.
And only two days until the weekend…
Scott: Yes!
Good to see your friends?
Scott: Yeah.
And new people…
Scott: Yeah – three new kids in my class tomorrow.
It’s important to make them feel as welcome as you can.
Scott: Equal to the amount of embarrassment when the whole class sings Happy Birthday to you. What did I say class for, I meant school!


Leith Primary

Spot the difference...

Scott's Leith Primary

So, tomorrow is your last day in primary 2.

Scott: Yay!

How do you feel?

Scott: So excited.


Scott: Because I’m going to have a gigantic Summer holiday.

How will you feel not to be a P2 any more?

Scott: Excited.

What will be different in P3?

Scott: Eh… I’ll be officially done with P2.

Is that all?

Scott: Eh… (pause) Eh… P3 might be a little bit harder.

Helen: Or a little bit different.

Scott: Yes, and P2Bs will be there.

In your class?

Scott: Some from the other P2 class will be in P3, so it might change a little. And completely different teacher.

Why do you go to school?

Scott: To make you a bit clever and to give you a better education.

What would happen if you didn’t?

Scott: You could be taught at home – some people do that.

Would that not be boring?

Scott: No.

What are you planning to do in the Summer?

Scott: Going camping for a few days in a wigwam.

Anything else?

Scott: Eh… Don’t really know what else…

What would you like to do?

Scott: Go on holiday… No, we’re going there – Castle Douglas. Where else was it?

Helen: I know where – wigwam.

Brampton in Cumbria. Helen – how do you feel about stopping nursery for the Summer.

Helen: Excited, excited, excited.


Helen: Because we get to sleep in a pile.