Tag Archive: loom bands

Moshi Monsters

20-8-2014 moshi monsters

What do you want to talk about, then?

Helen: Moshi Monsters. Don’t know…


Helen: Just because. It’s the only thing I can think of. It popped up in my brain.

Why do you sleep with the Moshi Monsters book under your bed?

Helen: No idea. Just because…

Do you still collect Moshi Monsters?

Helen: Not really, but still…

Does anyone in school still like them?

Helen: Suman does.

Anyone else?

Helen: Not really.

What do people like now, then?

Helen: Don’t know. More Lego stuff.

Loom bands.

Helen: Yeah.

Are they still popular?

Helen: Yeah, sometimes…

What about Skyzos?

Helen: Hmm… Not so popular, but still…

Who’s your favourite Moshi?

Helen: I’m going to need to look in the book – there’s pictures of them. I do like She She – she’s a panda. I do like Artlee – I used to have him. Or Tomba – I like her.

What about Whirley?

Helen: Who?


Helen: I don’t know what he looks like. Suey is spaghetti.

Who’s your least favourite?

Helen: I don’t know. Probably one of the… I’m looking… This is a very big book… I don’t really like the Glumps – they’re not too good. The one with three hairs, one eye and the sad mouth – I don’t like him. But sometimes it’s funny when you see a Glump in pink…

Loom bands

19-6-2014 loom bandsAny ideas?

Helen: No.

You’ve usually got ideas.

Helen: Hmm… Do I?

What do you think, Scott?

Scott: Well…


Scott: Loom bands!

Okay, that’s a good idea.

Scott: We can take photos of lots of loom bands.

Helen: I’ll draw a picture.

Scott: We can use photos.

Helen: And I can draw a picture.

How would you describe…

Helen: Popular.

Scott: Yeah, yeah – insanely popular. You probably know how popular they are, but we won’t be looking back at this in 100 years – it’s not that sort of thing.

Helen: Just for… Everyone in the school has at least three, right?

Scott: Yeah.

I’ve even got one.

Scott: Yeah.

Helen: I’ve got about six – I’ve got one round my leg right now.

You make them by mixing up elastic bands.

Helen: Just like small elastic bands.

Scott: In different ways.

Helen: A fishtail you put round your fingers. It’s like blinking.

Scott: Blinking’s hard.

Helen: No, it’s easy.

How long do you think the craze will last?

Scott: Hmm…

Helen: Let me think… I’m not sure…

Scott: The football craze has lasted. It could last as long as card collecting…

What do you think?

Scott: It’ll probably end slowly – there’ll be people that believe in it and then there’s just one person…

Helen: It’ll be like that. I know someone that doesn’t have any loom bands – Sid.

Scott: Does he want them?

Helen: Yeah – but his mum and dad won’t let him have them…