Tag Archive: NES

Donkey Kong


Scott's brilliant drawing of a Donkey Kong level.

Who is Donkey Kong?

Scott: Well, Donkey Kong is a Nintendo game really. There’s three versions of Donkey Kong. Well… Hang on… There’s actually four. Actually, five. Yes, five. There’s Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Country, Donkey Kong Country Returns and, for some strange reason, two Donkey Kong Juniors.

Is he a goodie or a baddie?

Scott: Well, baddie really – but sometimes he’s good. What’s really strange is that in Donkey Kong Returns, in the final level, you don’t battle Mario

Who does he battle?

Scott: I don’t know.

What kind of creature is he?

Scott: A monkey.

Helen: And he’s a gorilla, not a monkey.

Scott: He also rides on a rhino. Donkey Kong is the one where Mario was called Jump Man and had to try and rescue not Peach, not Princess, but Pauline.

Helen: Who was Pauline?

Scott: Mario’s girlfriend.

Helen: And who’s Mario’s girlfriend?

Scott: Pauline.

Helen: Is she a princes?

Scott: A princess? No!

What’s your favourite Donkey Kong game?

Helen: Boo hoo.

Scott: Well, Mario Kart really because he’s a playable character. The Mario Kart series is great but overall, I’d say… Donkey Kong. The basic one – Jump Man’s first game. Did you know Mario was also called Osias – O-S-I-A-S, which is Japanese for middle-aged man. And probably his second game was Wrecking Crew. Third was Pinball. Fourth was Mario Brothers NES, which was followed by…

You know quite a lot about Mario.

Scott: Yeah – I learnt all that from one magazine.

Super Mario again

mario 2Want to blog about Marlo?

Scott: Yes – because I did two Mario pictures.

You’re quite into Mario at the moment.

Scott: Yes.


Scott: Well, because that’s probably the only game I really play on the Wii. The Nintendo 64 normal sign is N-N-N, instead of being a game Cube. It’s a cube of Ns.

What ot you back into Super Mario?

Scott: What game was I playing before I was playing Mario? I can tell you what my first experience of Mario was, but, apart from that, I can’t say. Once upon a time we saw an old Mario 64 box in… in a… What are they called again? A skip! And I said: “What is it?” And you wondered if we still had an old Nintendo 64 at home.

And we did.

Scott: And we did. And I mostly played Nintendo 64. But it went “bzz bzz bzz” when I played it.

So we got a Wii.

Scott: We got a Wii.

And you’re hoping to get a 3DS.

Scott: Or a DS. But yes.

What’s so good about Mario?

Scott: He’s probably like 27 or 28 years old now. And probably from y first experience of Mario, I’ve liked him ever since.

What’s so good about him though?

Scott: Probably he’s had hundreds of games and the original Mario Bros for the NES got 40 million sales.

So he’s very popular?

Scott: Yeah, probably.

What’s your favourite Mario game?

Scott: Well, at the moment… I really like Mario Bros 3, but I don’t get the chance to play it because you’re not around much.

Can you not play a one player game?

Scott: No! I want to do it two players so I can complete levels properly.

  • At last, we have the scanner sorted, so normal service is resumed!

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