Tag Archive: Ninjago


ninjago guy

So you got the last of your presents today, from Gran and Grandpa.

Scott: Yeah – must be the last.

What did you get?

Scott: A Lego Ninjago set called the Final Battle… Da da da!

What kind of vehicle is it?

Scott: A combination between a tank, a car and a missile.

You got lots of figures with it as well.

Scott: Three – you call that lots?

Helen: Well, quite.

Scott: One of them has four arms.

Helen: I know – and four hands and two bodies.

Why’s he got four arms?

Scott: I do not know. Me not care.

To be a better fighter?

Scott: Maybe. There’s a notification on my DS there…

Yeah? What does that mean?

Scott: Normally means something really cool’s about to happen.

Well, you can find it tomorrow.

Scott: But there might even be Streetpass tomorrow…

You’re having some birthday fun tomorrow with your friends.

Scott: A party.

Kind of.

Scott: Yeah.

A boy’s day out. Are you excited?

Scott: Yeah!

ninjago vehicle

Lego Ninjago


Here is the new Lego Ninjago set Scott got today. He doesn’t want to blog today because he “didn’t have a very good day”… despite going to the cinema and getting a new Lego Ninjago set!

Lego Chima


Okay, so you wanted to blog about Lego Chima?

Scott: Yeah… Yeah…

You got your first set today?

Scott: Yeah.

What set is it?

Scott: Em… I can’t give you a number and I’m not sure what character you get in it.

What’s in it?

Scott: Flame hoop, six crystals, silver sword, black eagle…

And speeding bike thing?

Scott: Yes – definitely.

It looks a lot better than Ninjago.

Scott: Yeah, surprisingly.

Why surprisingly?

Scott: I’m just thinking that it’s just kind of a follow-up to Ninjago – so I didn’t think it would be that much better.

But it is?

Scott: Yeah – but it is.

Is Lego Batman still your favourite?

Scott: Yeah – but Chima’s probably my second.

So you might get another set, then?

Scott: Yeah, but Batman’s still better.


What’s the worst thing that could happen to you?

Scott: Losing the Wii.


I wouldn’t be able to play Super Mario Sunshine, unless we got a Game Cube.

Helen: Mine would be losing my tights, because I love them.

Scott: Who’s got the best answers? We should get points for each.

And what’s the best thing that could happen to you?

Scott: Em, em – getting all the Lego Ninjago for Christmas.

Helen: Getting all the Disney Princess things.

The best thing ever?

Scott: It might not be the best thing ever, but it’s the best I can thing of as Christmas is a long way away.

What about the best thing to happen to anyone?

Scott: I know – getting double all the money in the world.

Helen: Double a little bit of money.

Scott: That would be the best.


Scott: You could buy anything and the shops would run out. All the money in the world is only just enough to buy everything in the world.

What would you do?

Scott: I’d buy all the Ninjago I didn’t have and I would also buy a DS and Super Mario Bros DS and Yoshi’s Island DS.

Would you buy Mum and Dad anything?

Scott: I’d buy you a bed that always gives you a long lie. I don’t know if they exist, but I would pay someone to make you one.


All the money in the world.


What would you like to talk about?

Scott: Toys, we keep saying.

Helen: Toys, but what sort of toys?

Scott: No, we just mean toys. Toys, toys, good for the heart, the more you eat the more you fart.

Why do you want to talk about toys?

Scott: Toys would be the best.

Why do you like toys?

Helen: Because.

Scott: Because it’s what children always do.

Why do children always like toys?

Helen: Because.

Scott: Well…

Helen: Because.

Scott: Because they’re children.

Do children know to like toys?

Helen: Yes.

Scott: Because children might sometimes get bored and they have something better than playing on the DS to do.

What does that mean?

Scott: So they have something better than playing on computer games to do.

You mean toys are better for you?

Scott: Yes, toys are better for you and don’t give you computer eyes.

Helen: Warm ears and sad eyes.

What’s the best thing about toys?

Helen: Because.

Scott: Lego.

Helen: Build A Bear.

Scott: Build A Bear isn’t a toy, it’s a cuddly, it’s a workshop. It’s Build A Bear Workshop. BBW. What does the ‘W’ stand for?

Helen: Satsuma.

Scott: It’s a workshop.

Helen: It isn’t, it’s where you get your bear.

Scott: No, it’s a workshop.

Do you like toys?

Scott: Oh yes.

Helen: Oh yes.

Scott: Oh yes.

What would the world be like with no toys?

Scott: Boring. It would be the most boring thing in the whole galaxy.

What would you do instead?

Scott: Just play Mario all day.

Helen: If Scott was playing Mario, I wouldn’t have anything to play with.

What about if there wasn’t any Mario?

Scott: I would just sit around all day reading the newspaper.

The newspaper?

Scott: Oh yes.

But you don’t like the newspaper.

Scott: It also would be good for my reading.

So it would be a good thing to have no toys or Mario?

Scott: No, it would be a bad thing, the worst thing in the world.

But it would make you smarter.

Scott: No it wouldn’t. I know all the words in the newspaper anyway. I wish the newspaper was about something else, something good, not something boring adults talk about.

Like what?

Scott: Mario.

It wouldn’t be a newspaper then, would it?

Scott: It would be a Mariopaper, a Marpaper – the Daily Mario.

Lego Ninjago

One of Scott's favourite toys - Lego Ninjago.