Tag Archive: Olympics



So, we’re blogging about coins?

Scott: Well… Yeah – I got some coins today.

What ones did you get?

Scott: Em… A Queen Elizabeth one and a King Edward one, I think. Is it King Edward?

I think so. It’s a half penny coin, and an old 10p.

Scott: I was looking at it backwards when I thought it was a bear.

Maybe it’s a King Bear.

Scott: (laughs)

And what was the other one?

Scott: Em… A two shilling. The King Edward one’s the… The other one’s the Queen Elizabeth one.

But what’s the new one?

Scott: Those are the new ones we got today.

No, the 50p.

Scott: Oh – that’s the Olympics one. Is there a 2014 Winter Olympics? Please tell me there is…

There will be a Winter Olympics, but I don’t know when it is.

Scott: 2014, because they’re making a Mario and Sonic at the Olympics about it. A video game.

So, are you going to collect coins as well?

Scott: Yes, but I think there’s a case for coins at the stamp shop. The stamp shop has them.



What are the Paralympics?

Scott: Olympics for disabled people, basically.

What sports are there?

Scott: Not many is all I can say.

How many?

Scott: Not many – I don’t know.

Can you remember some of them?

Scott: Boccia and… (long pause) Hmm… Hmm… I’m not sure.

What’s boccia?

Scott: A… Where you throw a ball and the person who gets the ball closest to the first person who throws the ball wins.

Helen: What are we blogging about, Daddy?


Helen: Paralympics!

What kind of disabilities do people have?

Scott: Wheelchairs, it is usually.

And they have to do sports differently.

Scott: Yes.

Did you watch any of it today?

Scott: No.

Why not?

Scott: I don’t know why not!

Helen, can you tell me about the Paralympics?

Helen: It’s a place where people do sports on a stage.

Scott: You’re wrong, Helen.

What kind of sports?

Helen: Rugby and other sorts of things.

And what sorts of people?

Helen: People with no arms or… No feet.

That’s true.

Helen: And there’s another sport called swimming.

Scott: Called swimming? I’m never going to get that!

Olympic Torch

olympic torch

You saw the Olympic Torch today.

Scott: Yes.

Where did you see it?

Scott: 7.15 in the morning.

No, where did you see it?

Scott: Royal Mile.

Was it busy?

Helen: Yes.

Scott: Yes.

How many people were there?

Scott: Eh…  I can’t be approximate, I’m guessing around 100 at that time in the morning.

So what did you see?

Scott: We saw… Someone in the wheelchair holding the Olympic Torch.

Helen: Even the pandas at the zoo got to see the Olympic Torch!

Scott: Which one, Sunshine or Sweetie?

Helen: Sunshine or Sweetie, I don’t know. I think they may have both.

Scott: Yeah.

What was the torch like?

Helen: It was like a flame in an ice cream cone – a bit of fire in an ice cream.

Scott: Don’t you think if it was in an ice cream cone, the ice cream cone would burn?

Was it exciting?

Scott: Yeah.

Were there lots of cameras?

Scott: Yes, it was mostly iPods and iPads – not cameras. I did it on my DS.

Helen: And iDSes.

Scott: No, there wasn’t any, Helen.

Are you excited about the actual Olympics?

Scott: Yeah, about London 2012 – and I know there’s a Lego minifigure series out about that too…

olympic torch

London Olympics 2012


So you wanted to blog about the Olympics?

Scott: Yes – for once, I didn’t have to say: “Any suggestions?”


Scott: It’s the new school topic.

What are the Olympics?

Scott: Eh… Lots of games. Aren’t you going to ask me the questions like… Let me list them: 1. What are the colours on the flag? 2. Why is it five hoops, and why are they those colours?

Are those the questions you want me to ask?

Scott: Yes.

Okay – what are the colours on the flag?

Scott: There’s black, green, red, yellow, blue.

And why are there five hoops?

Scott: Because each of those makes the five condinations, is it? Continients… Cotentints…


Scott: Yes, continents.

What is a continent?

Scott: It’s like so many countries in one continent. And the last question, which I’m guessing you don’t know: Why are the rings those colour?


Scott: Do you even know this one?

Don’t think so.

Scott: Well, I know the answer – because every flag… Every flag has at least one of the colours that these hoops are.

So what do people do in the Olympics?

Scott: Eh… (long pause) Well… Because they want to get fit and compete against other countries and continents.

And they want to prove they’re the best in the world.

Scott: I don’t know.

What would your sport be?

Scott: I’m a bit too young!

Helen: I’m too young – I’m younger than you.