4-8-2013 Doctor

Scott’s drawing of the Doctor receiving the Tardis as birthday present when he was two.

What would you like to talk about?

Scott: Em…

The new Doctor?

Scott: Okay.

What number is it?

Scott: 12th.

And the actor playing him was revealed live on TV.

Scott: Yes.

What did you think of him?

Scott: Eh… For… The Doctor has been getting younger, but that one’s older than Matt Smith. Great to have a new Doctor, though. When’s the regeneration thing happening?

Christmas, I think.

Scott: Oh… We’ve got so long to wait.

They’ve got to film it all first.

Scott: You mean… Matt Smith’s going to be not, like, in it for… Nearly half a year. There’s going to be no Doctor Who for exactly half a year? It takes them half a year to make that new one?

I think it’s only really on twice a year.

Scott: What is?

Doctor Who.

Scott: Only two episodes every year? What?!

No, it’s only on two times a year I think – the series and the Christmas special.

Scott: Yeah… I’m not sure I know what you mean. I thought you meant one episode every six months.

The next episode is the Christmas special, and I think that’s when he regenerates.

Scott: That’s ages…

Who do you think’s the best Doctor?

Scott: Em… I don’t know. We don’t really know what the new one’s personality is like – so I can’t judge until he’s out.

Who’s the best so far, then?

Scott: Matt Smith – great comedy.

I thought you’d say David Tennant.

Scott: I don’t know. Why did you think I’d like him?

Because he was the first Doctor you were really into.

Scott: But the first Doctor I was alive on was the ninth.