Tag Archive: pizza


21-1-2014 pizzaWhat are we blogging about?

Scott: (pause) Em… How about when I went over with… To Pizza Express with Harvey, Ross, Luke, Lennon and Oscar.

Last night?

Scott: Yeah.

What would you tell me?

Scott: Em… What would I tell you? You know, we went to Pizza Express and got involved in a robbery. Nothing much.

Nothing very exciting?

Scott: Nah.
What about the robbery?

Scott: You know… Person stole an ice cream, pizza and dough balls.

Someone you know?

Scott: Basically – in brackets – Harvey’s dad forgot to pay for it.

Forgot to pay for one meal?

Scott: Forgot to pay for the whole meal.

How did he do that?

Scott: He forgot, basically. He thought Harvey’s mum was paying for it, but then she didn’t. She thought he was paying for it and they walked out the restaurant… And no-one will ever know…

Apart from the people reading this…

Scott: Yeah… You know, it got paid for in the end – but it was still quite fun.

So your friend’s parents are robbers?

Scott: That’s odd. Remember you forgot to pay at a Sainsbury’s, at the checkout?

Yeah, what was that?

Scott: You.

But what was it?

Scott: What do you mean?

What did I think I hadn’t paid for?

Scott: You thought you had paid for it when you bought a newspaper… And you walked away without paying for anything else.

But I paid for it.

Scott: Yeah – in the end…

Healthy eating

13-10-2013 healthy

Helen’s great drawing, with unhealthy food on the left, healthy on the right and “exercise” in the middle.

What are we going to blog about?

Scott: Hmm…

Helen: Hah… Healthy food.

Scott: Why that?

Helen: I do not know.

Healthy food, then?

Scott: Yeah – but why that?

Helen: Because I’m making a picture about it.

What’s healthy?

Helen: An apple.

Scott: Not really – that’s filled with natural sugars.

Helen: I’m not sure what that means. Yoghurt? Cheese?

Probably yoghurt.

Helen: Yeah – yoghurt and cheese.

Cheese can be very high in fat.

Helen: Aww… Fat.

What’s unhealthy?

Helen: Eh… Sweeties.

What do you think, Scott?

Scott: A lot of things.

Like what?

Scott: Well, em… I mean, there’s lots of things. Too much of anything’s bad.

Helen: Being too thin’s bad.

What’s your favourite food?

Helen: Healthy or unhealthy?


Helen: My favourite food…

Scott: Pizza.

Helen: Pasta.

Both of those can be good or bad.

Helen: If you put things on it  – very unhealthy things – it would have to be.

What’s the unhealthiest thing you can think of?

Scott: I don’t know.

Helen: Something with 100 per cent sugar.

Scott: No, wait – 99.9 per cent sugar and 0.1 per cent water.

That wouldn’t be very nice.

Scott: I don’t know…

Lego Ninja Turtles

ninja turtlesSo you wanted to talk about Ninja Turtles?

Scott: Yeah – the set I got today.


Scott: No, I didn’t mean today – I meant Friday.

What set is it?

Scott: Eh… I think it’s called Krang’s Lab or something.

Who’s Krang?

Scott: For future reference, I don’t know how to spell it – or at least I don’t think I do.

So who’s Krang?

Helen: The brain with legs.

Scott: Basically.

Helen: It’s tall, but not that tall – with eight or six legs.

Scott: (laughing) Eight or six…

Helen: I think it might be six.

And which Ninja Turtle did you get with the set?

Scott: Michaelangelo.

Helen: Michaelangelo? I think he means Michael…

Scott: Why would he have such a long name if it was just Michael?

They all like pizza.

Scott: Yeah – probably.

Helen: But maniacal laugh likes pizza the best.

Scott: How do you know?

Helen: Because maniacal laugh comes with a pizza.

Scott: They all do.

Helen: And he comes with a special pizza maker.

Scott: I made that myself.

Helen: No way Jose…

Are you going to try and go any other Lego Ninja Turtle sets?

Scott: Yeah – I’ll try to get another one.

Helen: Because that one is so  small…

ninja turtles helen



Scott: Coke flowchart.

What made you do that?

Scott: Because we said we’d blog about it today, yesterday.

Yeah, but what made you do a drawing of a flowchart in the first place?

Scott: I don’t know.

But it helps you decide what you want to do.

Scott: No matter what, you’ve got to drink Coke.

So that’ll always be the outcome?

Scott: Yeah.

What if you don’t like coke?

Scott: (pause) Eh… How? Because you can… Never mind. Don’t like Coke: whole different matter.

Does it work for lemonade too?

Scott: Probably, that’s just… An any fizzy drink flowchart.

You could do one for a more complicated subject.

Scott: Like bacon.

Bacon? Is that the most complicated thing you could think of?

Scott: (laughs) Eh… Pie.

I was thinking life or death.

Scott: (pause) Em… Can’t it just be about pizza or something?

Well, what’s the point for doing a flowchart for something you already know the answer to?

Scott: Because it’s fun making it – duh.

You could do one for flowcharts.

Scott: A flowchart for a flowchart.


Scott: I don’t get it.

Well, if you have questions about flowcharts, this would answer it.

Scott: If you have to make tough decisions, make a quick flowchart.

A flowchart is really just like the way you think, weighing up choices and making decisions.

Scott: Yeah…


pizzaYou went for pizza with Harvey tonight – what is pizza?

Scott: Well, it’s sort of dough turned into bread and then tomato ketchup put on to it that has cheese on top. Is the cheese underneath or on top? Either way, there’s definitely topping on top.

What’s your favourite topping?

Scott: Mushroom.

Anything else?

Scott: Sometimes I like pepper on mine.

Just vegetables?

Scott: Well, mostly. I also…

Helen, do you like pizza?

Helen: No.

Scott: You’ve never tried it.

Helen: Yes I have.

Scott: Do you like dough?

Helen: Yes.

Scott: Well, if you like dough you like pizza.

Helen: No, I just like dough.

Scott: When have you ever tried pizza?

Helen: When I was a baby.

Scott: Babies don’t have teeth, do they Daddy?

So you don’t like pizza, Helen?

Helen: No.

Not even nutella pizza?

Helen: No.

Are you sure?

Helen. Oh – yes. I do! I do!