Tag Archive: Portobello Village Show

Village show

8-9-2013 portobelloWhat will we blog about?

Scott: I don’t know.

Anything we did…

Scott: How about we blog about that?


Scott: That festival thing.

The village show we went to in the afternoon?

Scott: Yeah, yeah, yeah…

It was the Portobello village show – how was it?

Scott: It was okay.

Apart from Helen getting stung by a wasp.

Scott: Yeah. Why don’t you bring your camera to anywhere any more?

I do, but I just didn’t want to lug it about today.

Scott: Okay.

Are you worried you won’t be able to do a drawing?

Scott: That’s what I’m worried about. Why don’t we just scan the little envelope? Don’t scan the actual thing because people could photocopy it.

You mean the prize you won in the tombola?

Scott: Only scan the envelope…

You won a meal for two.

Scott: Yeah.

And Helen won a tablecloth.

Scott: (laughs)

What a strange prize…

Scott: I can’t see why anyone would need a tablecloth – especially Helen.

She can be quite a messy eater…

Scott: Yeah, but… I thought she was a messy drinker.

Any other highlights?

Scott: Well, not really.

The old train set?

Scott: Yeah – that was okay.

Getting a couple of comic books.

Scott: I guess so.

And going to the amusements in the morning.

Scott: Yeah.

Best bit of the day?

Scott: Maybe the amusements, I’m not sure.

How many tickets did you win?

Scott: Quite a lot – I think it was about 50. Helen only got 17 – for a third less.

A third less?

Scott: Yeah.

Less spent than you?

Scott: Yeah.

It’s still a rip-off though…

Scott: Hmm…

Portobello Village Show

porty show

Helen and Scott proudly show off their entries for the best dressed fruit and veg contest – a coconut bride and Supermarrow.

So today we went to Portobello Village Show…

Scott: Yeah.

How was it?

Scott: Good.

What did we do?

Scott: Em… Entered a best-dressed fruit and veg competition.

What was yours?

Scott: Em… A marrow in a Superman outfit.

Why did you do that?

Scott: I don’t know – I just thought it would be fun.

What was Helen’s?

Scott: A coconut in a wedding dress.

Why did she do that?

Scott: Eh… I don’t know.

What else did we do at the show?

Scott: Em… We went round some stalls.

What did you get?

Scott: A really big Lego Technic set for about £2.

Was that the best bit of the day?

Scott: Probably.

What about dinner?

Scott: Yeah.

What did we do?

Scott: Went to Holyrood 9a.

And what did you have?

Scott: A burger with cheese.

And an ice cream after.

Scott: Yeah.

Was it a great day?

Scott: Yeah.