Scott: Yes – that’s exactly what I was thinking…

What is VVVVVV?

Scott: I know you’re going to put the demo into the blog, aren’t you?

I’ll try, but I don’t know if I can…

Scott: Hmm.

So what is it?

Scott: Well, it’s… I really wish… It’s a 3DS download and a PC download and I really want the 3DS download. Can you put some money in. It’s only £7.30 – same as putting £10 on.

Tell people what you have to do.

Scott: It’s quite easy, really. All you have to do is walk and change the gravity.

It’s like an old Spectrum game.

Scott: Yes – but a bit harder.

It’s really great fun to play, isn’t it?

Scott: Yeah.

But we’ve just played the demo.

Scott: Yeah, but it’s a bit rubbish – you can’t teleport in it.

So who do you control?

Scott: Captain Viridian. It’s six Vs remember… Captain Viridian is the first, crashes his spaceship and has lost his five team-mates whose names also happen to begin with V, and that’s how it’s six Vs. Can we download it for the 3DS?

I think we’ll do it soon.

Scott: Now! Today…

But it’s bedtime…

Scott: Can’t you just put the money on for it? Because I don’t have enough money for it.

You’ll need to save up.

Scott: Really?

Yes – and you still owe me some money for the Trash Packs garbage truck you got yesterday.

Scott: Yeah, I know. I know. I know. I know…

So get saving, Buster!

Scott: (laughs) That’s all I really have to say. If I get in the good book, I can ask you to put some money on to buy VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV… Are you writing all the Vs down?

  • Unfortunately, I couldn’t embed the demo – but you can play it here.