robot scott

Scott’s robot…

What will we talk about?

Scott: I’m not sure. Any suggestions?

Helen: Starfishes?

Scott: Em… Anything else?

Helen: Nah… Starfishes or squids.

Scott: Can we do something that isn’t water creatures?

Helen: I don’t want to do anything else. People?

What do you think?

Helen: I want a starfish. Can I draw a starfish? Starfish or person – that’s the only choice for me.

Scott: What about robots?

Helen: Yeah!

What is a robot?

Scott: A… A humanoid electric – how would you put it? – thing. The number 2000 is usually used in stuff like that.

Like how?

Scott: The Roboman 2000. But 200 sounds completely different. Etcetra.

Would you like a robot?

Scott: Em… Depends on what it does.

Helen: Yes, that’s what I was doing… What would it do? If it was furniture…

What would be the best thing it could do?

Scott: The kind of… The homework helper invention sounds good.

Helen: Clean the dishes.

You never clean the dishes anyway!

Helen: One that tidies up.

Scott: You always ask her to tidy up…

What if the robot was evil and attacked you?

Scott: Well, we wouldn’t buy it.

Helen: What if we didn’t know?

Scott: Well, does it matter?

It would if you got a robot and it was evil and it attacked you.

Scott: Robots haven’t been invented yet, so what does it matter?

Helen: Yes, they have.

Scott: Name me one time.

Helen: Harry And The Robots.

Scott: That’s fiction, so it’s not going to ever happen…

robot helen

…And Helen’s.