Tag Archive: sea creatures

Underwater creatures

21-8-2014 sea creatures

What would you like to blog about tonight?

Helen: Scott eating a sponge.

Scott: Weirdo.

Helen: It’s gross… And you won’t stop him.

Anything you want to talk about?

Scott: Eh… I don’t know.

What about you, Helen?

Helen: Underwater creatures.

Again – why do you always talk about that?

Helen: Just because.


Helen: For no particular reason.

Okay, but are you going to tell me anything new?

Helen: Eh… Em… No… Same boring old stuff.

Best sea creature?

Helen: Eh… I don’t know.


Scott: Best is an oyster.


Scott: I am hidden now…

Helen: That’s the whole reason you like oysters?

Scott: No, I like oysters because my friend is one.

Biggest undersea creature?

Helen: I don’t know.

Scott: A blue whale.

Helen: Something like that…

Scott: Orange flavour whale, spaghetti flavour whale…

Helen: What the? What’s your favourite thing to eat? Oysters?

Scott: A dot, You’re a dot.

Helen: Yeah, but what’s your favourite thing to eat? I’m asking you a question…

Scott: But I don’t want to answer.

Helen: All I know is that the only animals in the sea that don’t have gills are whales and dolphins. They need to come up for air because they’re mammals. They live above the… Well, not above the…

That’s right – and that’s a new thing you’ve not told me before.

Helen: Yeah, but I’ve known that for about a year. From P2.

Sea creatures again

26-6-2014 sea creaturesWhat would you like to blog about, then?

Helen: Hmm… Since Scott’s not blogging, we can blog about anything we want. I know – sea creatures. And I know exactly what I’m going to draw.

Why do you always want to blog about sea creatures?

Helen: I just like them. I don’t always, but…

We could blog about your last day at school tomorrow.

Helen: Probably talk about that tomorrow…

So, sea creatures again?

Helen: Yeah – I just like it.

Why do you like them so much?

Helen: I just do… Dolphins…

Just dolphins?

Helen: Hmm… Mostly…

What’s so good about dolphins?

Helen: They’re just nice.

In what way?

Helen: Just… Just… Most people like that because they’re cute.

Are they clever?

Helen: Hmm… Yeah.

What do they do that’s clever?

Helen: Just… Well… They’re a mammal, which is good and that means… We are mammals, so… And they’re just a nice colour and…

Better than sharks?

Helen: Yeah.

Smarter than sharks?

Helen: No, but…

Are sharks clever, then?

Helen: Probably.

What do they do that’s clever?

Helen: Well, they plan how they’re going to get their food and… They’re just… Cleverer.

What’s the cleverest sea creature?

Helen: Probably a squid. Probably is…


Helen: Do not know.

Are they nice?

Helen: Hmm… Nah. They shoot out ink, which is clever. That’s very clever.

But they’re not nice?

Helen: Nah.

Why not?

Helen: Just… They shoot lots of ink and it’s very hard to see.

Sea creatures

7-5-2013 sea creaturesWhat will we talk about?

Helen: Sea creatures.

Why do you always want to talk about that?

Helen: I don’t know, it’s just… I usually do a better job of the drawing each time. Today I’m going to do it good.

What’s your favourite sea creature?

Helen: Probably a mermaid.

Are they real?

Helen: I don’t know, because no-one’s ever seen one. That doesn’t mean it’s not real – just that they live down deeper or somewhere secret.


Helen: Yeah, probably.

Where would somewhere secret be?

Helen: A… Probably like a rock which would be blended in with the sea. Lots of little rocks and if people tried to go through there, they’d topple over.

How big are mermaids, then?

Helen: Don’t really know.

Helen’s just talking about mermaids, Scott.

Scott: Okay, right – got that…

What do you think of them?

Scott: Em… Imaginary. And really scary.

Helen: They’re only people with tails. That’s what I think they are, at least – because no-one’s actually seen one.

Why are they scary?

Scott: I don’t like girly stuff.

Helen: Yeah, boys hate girls…