12-11-2013 moneyWhat are we blogging about?

Scott: I don’t know.

You must have done something interesting over the past couple of days…

Scott: Well… Eh… Hmm… How about we talk about that bacon roll? No, we already talked about that…

Has nothing interesting happened since the bacon roll?

Scott: I’m just thinking…

Anything you learned at school?

Scott: Not really.

Anything you saw?

Scott: I don’t think so. What do you think we should talk about?

Something important.

Scott: Like what like?

Life, death, money, God…

Scott: Money sounds interesting…

What do you want to tell me?

Scott: I don’t know – I’m just thinking it sounds like an interesting topic.

What is money?

Scott: Well, in case you don’t know – which is very unlikely – money is a form of trade which you use to buy things.

What would happen if there wasn’t money?

Scott: Then no-one could buy anything.

Would that be a bad thing?

Scott: Depends. I mean, generally. If you think about it, it would be a good thing but at the same time it would be a bad thing. We could get anything, but the bad thing would be that nothing would have any value – not the tallest towers or the most precious diamonds.

You’ve summed it up very well. That’s one of the problems.

Scott: What do you mean?

Well, a lot of people are very rich and a lot of people are very poor, and that’s not fair.

Scott: If you think about it…

Should rich people give more of their money to poor people?

Scott: I don’t know. I’ve been thinking about the credit crunch. If rich people donated their money to the credit crunch, the cost would go down but their money would go down so it would be equal.

But they’d still be rich, they just wouldn’t be as rich…

Scott: Yeah, but…

Some people have billions and billions of pounds they’ll never spend.

Scott: Weird. Think how much that would do for the community if they just give it away.

That’s socialism.

Scott: What is?

Doing things for the benefit of others, or the common good. Does that sound good?

Scott: Yeah.

Unless you’re rich?

Scott: Well, yeah…