Tag Archive: superheroes

Lego Avengers


Lego MarvelScott: What are we blogging about?

Your new Lego set?

Scott: Yes!

It arrived today.

Scott: Yes! When did you think it would arrive today, for one.


Scott: Oh.

Were you excited when it arrived?

Scott: Yeah.

What is the set?

Scott: Em… Lego Marvel superheroes – the only one with the Hulk. That’s the only one I know – all the other characters come in other sets.

What’s the best thing about the set?

Scott: I don’t know… Everything works in functionary. There’s one push down the orange button for a billions years and the glass breaks. The rarest piece in the universe…

What’s the rarest piece?

Scott: I was just joking!

Are there any other superhero sets you want?

Scott: Of course there are.

Helen: Yup.

Scott: I want to have all the Lego Marvel superhero sets!

There are Marvel and DC ones, aren’t there?

Scott: Yeah – Marvel, DC, Ultimate Spiderman…

What’s the Ultimate Spiderman?

Scott: I don’t know. It’s just the one set with Doc Ock, some yellow Spiderman and Spiderman hanging upside down. Amazing.

Are there any other superheroes you’d like to see in Lego?

Scott: Eh… Well… Em… I don’t… Hmm… I know there’s a new Lego Batman 2. I don’t know…

And there’s a new Lego Batman game coming out…

Scott: Yes. It’s the most normal thing in the world – a Batman game!

Lego DC Superheroes


Okay, so we’re talking about superheroes…

Scott: Em… Not quite – the Lego DC Superheroes, if you were listening…

Not general superheroes?

Scott: Not general superheroes… Not general superheroes…

Okay, tell me about Lego DC Superheroes, then.

Scott: That’s the new… Em… Like… Well, know how there used to be really old Lego Batman? Well, they’ve sort of brough that back with Superman, Hulk… With Superman, there’s also an Avengers series.

What one’s your favourite?

Scott: I don’t know… Hmm…

You were talking about Hulk…

Scott: I do like the look of the Hulk one. Can we go to the shops and see if they’ve got them tomorrow?

If we’re passing a toy shop, we might.

Scott: Aw! I wanted to go there…

Why are you so desperate to go to the shops?

Scott: I just like the look of the Lego DC Superheroes. And I didn’t say I was desperate in the first place…

Remember when we visited the Lego shop in Liverpool and the lady told us they were coming out?

Scott: Yeah – in April, they were out in April.

I think they look great.

Scott: I so want one!



Scott brings some of his superhero creations to life.

Tell me what a superhero is.

Helen: It’s something that flies.

Scott: No – it’s something that saves the day for the city. There’s goodies and baddies and superheroes would be the goody.

Helen: Goodies are good and baddies are bad – that rhymes.

Scott: No it doesn’t.

Who’s your favourite superhero?

Scott: Captain Underpants!

Helen: Yes, Captain Underpants.

Scott: No, isn’t your favourite Batgirl?

Helen: No, it’s Captain Underpants – my favourite of all.

If you were making a superhero, what would he be called and what would his superpower be?

Scott: I’m going to make up quite a lot – if I make up anyone that is real, anyone should leave a comment. So, Pac Melon – his powers are chomping on melon seed and bomb chucking.

Helen: I’ve got one – Bomb Melon Seed.

Scott: What are his powers?

Helen: Firing melon seeds.

Scott: Explode! Spell it like Capital X and then Plode. It’s powers are exploding – can explode himself and come back to life again. And bomb himself… No, he can chuck bombs out of nowhere. And he can take out his own teeth and re-grow them in one second. And his back can turn into a helicopter blade.

Helen: Mine is Watermelon Bomb.

Scott: What are his powers?

Helen: Squirting soup on your legs… Throwing paper in your faces…

Scott: Paperman is mine. His powers are turning into a pen and rolling himself up into a ball and throwing himself at baddies.

Those are the worst superheroes of all time.

Scott: And Cowman…

Helen: Pooman!

That’s enough…

Batman baddies

Mr Freeze

Mr Freeze and some of Scott's other favourite Batman baddies. Note - Spiderman not pictured.

What do you want to tell me about Batman villians?

Scott: I could tell you about the ones I know or…

Tell me about the ones you know.

Scott: Okay, I’ve got Mr Freeze, Mad Hatter…

Okay, hang on – tell me about Mr Freeze.

Scott: Mr Freeze… em… can walk on toxic waste and has a freeze gun that can freeze all the baddies and…

Freeze the goodies?

Scott: Yes, sort of – but when you’re in Arkham Asylum it’s the baddies, right?

Tell me about the Mad Hatter.

Scott: He can do extra high double jumps which no other characters can do and he’s got the mind control power and he’s got yellow hands and a pink face.

Why are they bad?

Scott: Eh… eh… let’s not ask that question, it’s hard to know.

Why didn’t Mr Freeze choose to be a goodie?

Scott: Because… let’s not ask that question, please. Let’s not ask that question.


Scott: Okay, I’ll tell you some of the other ones, like… eh… Clayface, Catwoman, the Joker. Any more? Penguin. Poison Ivy. The Jester. Riddler!

Tell me about the Joker.

Scott: He’s the… well… What I know of is that he’s sort of the captain of the baddies and he’s got two guns.

He sounds really bad.

Scott: Yes – sort of.

If he’s the captain of the baddies, who is the captain of the goodies?

Scott: That would be an easy one – Batman, I think. At least, that’s my estimate.

If Batman’s the captain, then what’s Spiderman?

Scott: Spiderman is just a different subject, so let’s…

Are we not allowed to talk about him?

Scott: No. (Whispers) My drawing is only Batman baddies.


Who are superheroes?

Scott: Superheroes are sort of people who, like, save the day, and well…

Helen: Save the world?

Scott: Yes, quite right Helen.

Are superheroes real?

Scott: Well, sort of.

Why sort of?

Scott: Because I’m not sure. No, all superheroes are cartoons – quite a lot of them are, but not all of them.

Who’s your favourite?

Scott: Does it have to be Marvel? I’m sort of liking the Lego Batman game, so I think Lego Batman. I’m not sure, sort of.

Are there any other superheroes you like?

Scott: No.


Scott: Well, I’m not quite sure. I don’t know all the superheroes – you know what I mean?

Can you think of some baddies?

Scott: The Joker – that’s easy to remember. Just Batman ones?


Scott: Wasn’t the Hulk sort of a baddie?

I don’t know – what do you think?

Scott: Baddie.

Okay, let me know what you think of these baddies from the old Top Trumps from the charity shop today. First, Plantman.


Scott: He’s sort of like the Hulk except he’s got the hat and the body’s just a teeny bit different.

Helen: He looks like a Batman tennis guy. The age he is is four and a half.

Egg Head.

Egg Head

Scott: He looks like a mad scientist changed into an egg.

Helen: He looks like a dentist.

Miracle Man.

Miracle Man

Scott: He looks like sort of like a blue vampire.

Helen: He looks like a blueberry.



Scott: He looks like a sort of, the owl mask looks like a fox mask and the green thing is like Little Red Riding Hood’s hood in green.

Helen: Water.

Mad Thinker.

Mad Thinker

Scott: Well, he sort of looks like an alien with hair.

Helen: I think he’s like an alien with a bucket of cold water and he’s spilt and he’s got soap in the bucket of water.



Scott: He’s sort of like a greenish owl sort of bird sort of.

Helen: He’s like a budgie.

If you were a superhero, what would you be called?

Scott: Can you not do another question?

Okay, what would your superpower be?

Scott: Am I allowed two or three?


Scott: The flying one – yeah. Other ones would be super strong and third and last would be invisibility.

What would you do with your superpowers?

Scott: I’d get to school super quick.