Tag Archive: Superman

Lego Superman

26-5-2014 supermanWhat would you like to…

Scott: Em… What about that Lego set I got?

The Superman one?

Scott: Yip.

Who do you get in it?

Scott: Em… You get Superman, a guy and a girl.


Scott: Probably.

And Lois Lane.

Scott: Yeah – probably.

And Grandpa would be happy – it was a bargain.

Scott: (laughs) Yeah – but to be fair it was just £5.

What are Superman’s superpowers, then?

Scott: I don’t know – something to do with eyeballs.

Is that it?

Scott: I don’t know – you haven’t let me see any Superman movies or anything.

So it’s my fault?

Scott: Yip.

So he can just do something with his eyeballs?

Scott: (laughs) Okay – maybe I was being silly.

What else can he do, then?

Scott: Laser eyeballs and flying with a cape and having underwear on top of his trousers.

Who are his enemies?

Scott: I don’t know.

Who are his friends?

Scott: Eh… Lois Lane and something else and…


Scott: Eh… I think those are people in different universes.

Definitely not Spiderman.

Scott: That might be almost the same universe.

Are they not allowed to meet?

Scott: In the Lego Marvel superheroes game they all meet… Hang on, I’m getting all the universes mixed up…

Superman is DC.

Scott: Ah – okay. I figured that out when I was getting the universes mixed up.

It’s pretty complicated, isn’t it?

Scott: Yeah – something like that.

Batman 2

6-10-2013 batman 2You got a new 3DS game today.

Scott: Yeah.

By trading in three old games.

Scott: Yeah. They weren’t actually all that good games, though. They all got really good reviews, but they’re pretty crap.

So you weren’t sad to get rid of them?

Scott: I wasn’t sad to get rid of any of them.

So what game did you get?

Scott: Lego Batman 2 – DC Super Heroes.

How is it so far?

Scott: Pretty good. Being pre-owned, there’s some good games on it already.

You mean saved games?

Scott: I don’t mean games – I mean characters.

The characters have been unlocked?

Scott: Yeah.

So who can you play as?

Scott: Well, I’ve not unlocked all the characters, that’s what I’m going to say.

But who can you play as at the moment?

Scott: Quite a lot – so it would be quite hard to list.

Who have you played as so far?

Scott: Eh… Quite a few. I’ve actually gone as Wonder Woman by mistake, I’ve been Superman, Batman, Robin – quite a lot, actually.

So is it better than the Wii game?

Scott: Yeah. At least the Wii game… The 3DS one has horrific loading times.

It takes ages to load?

Scott: Yeah.

That’s a bit rubbish.

Scott: Just like the Harry Potter one. And the Chima one and the Batman one are probably the worst.

But it’s a good game, though?

Scott: Yeah – it’s a good game.

Marks out of 10?

Scott: So far I’d give it a seven. Minus three for the horrific loading time.


scott legoWhat are we talking about?

Helen: Em… Random.

Scott: Nah, we’ve talked about random too much. What about…

Helen: My new classroom on Friday.

Scott: That’s boring – why don’t we talk about it after you’ve done it? Think of a proper thing to think about.

Helen: Me and Scott’s attendance posters.

Scott: No, we talked about that ages no.

Helen: No we didn’t.

Scott: Lego!

Helen: We’ve blogged about Lego a lot, you know. Moshis?

Scott: Why would we want to talk about Moshis?

Helen: Lego minifigures series 1o.

Scott: That’s Lego. Any types of Lego, apart from Lego imposters.

Helen: Lego Duplo. Okay, let’s blog about Lego, but that counts Lego Duplo.

What about Lego, then?

Scott: Em… Any type. I like the look of Lego Ninja Turtles.

Helen: Turtles, you mean.

Scott: Turd-les.

What looks good about them?

Scott: Don’t know, just like the look.

Helen, anything you want to tell me about Lego?

Helen: I don’t want to, but I’ll draw a picture.

Scott: Have you seen the new Lego Superman and new Lego Iron Man?

Is that to tie in with the new films?

Scott: Suppose so. If kids aren’t allowed to watch the film, they can Lego the film.

Anything you can’t currently get in Lego that you’d like to see?

Scott: It’s me: Mario.

Plants v Zombies?

Scott: Yeah. Plants v Zombies. What would probably be needed would be something like Kid Icarus. And think of all the weapons they’d have to make in Lego, and then they’d have to make the items. It would be good if they could make Lego Pokemon. Lego Captain Underpants.

Is there anything you’d like to see, Helen?

Helen: No.

Scott: So you don’t want to see anything nice in Lego, like something you’d make up?

What do you think, Helen?

Scott: Lego towns – they give you the pieces and you make your own town.

Helen: I know  – game. It’s a game, but it’s about Lego. You get Lego bricks and they’re money and that’s what you build your house out of. Coins are your money, but you have to buy bricks.

Scott: Helen means a kind of Monopoly, don’t you?

Helen: Yeah – and you have to buy your car as well.

helen lego

Helen’s drawing of a Lego house, with a Lego Ninja Turtle in front of it.

Lego Lex Luthor

lex luthor

What are we blogging about?

Scott: I don’t know.

Helen: I don’t know either.

Scott: Do you have any suggestions?

Helen – you’ve usually got suggestions.

Scott: Wait – I’ve got something… No, I haven’t.

Helen: Dragons!

Dragons? You did a good drawing of a dragon yesterday, Scott.

Scott: I got a new Lex Luthor mini figure today.

Where did you get that?

Scott: At school – I traded it and can make it into a scene.

Helen: What are we blogging about?

I don’t know – dragons?

Scott: I don’t know – I was thinking I could make the mini figure into a very funny scene.

Would it also be good to talk about?

Scott: Yeah.

What would you say?

Scott: Eh… Don’t give me that: “What do you have say about it?” Give me me precise questions, but no yes or no ones.

But it’s just a photo really, isn’t it?

Scott: Yeah – but you can ask me questions about it before you see it.

What’s so funny about it?

Scott: That’s… One that… I don’t know yet, but I’ll make it into a funny one.

Who is Lex Luthor?

Scott: The guy from Superman – and I know you know that.

And who’s his enemy?

Scott: Eh… The title: Superman.

And does Lex Luthor have any power?

Scott: Brains.

And a bald head?

Scott: (laughs)

Is that all he’s got?

Scott: Probably. But the mini figure has some black brick de-assembly weapon.

He sounds easy to defeat.

Scott: Eh… I suppose if you’re a black mini figure it would be hard.

And Superman can beat him?

Scott: He might lose his hair, though.