What would you like to talk about?

Scott: Toys, we keep saying.

Helen: Toys, but what sort of toys?

Scott: No, we just mean toys. Toys, toys, good for the heart, the more you eat the more you fart.

Why do you want to talk about toys?

Scott: Toys would be the best.

Why do you like toys?

Helen: Because.

Scott: Because it’s what children always do.

Why do children always like toys?

Helen: Because.

Scott: Well…

Helen: Because.

Scott: Because they’re children.

Do children know to like toys?

Helen: Yes.

Scott: Because children might sometimes get bored and they have something better than playing on the DS to do.

What does that mean?

Scott: So they have something better than playing on computer games to do.

You mean toys are better for you?

Scott: Yes, toys are better for you and don’t give you computer eyes.

Helen: Warm ears and sad eyes.

What’s the best thing about toys?

Helen: Because.

Scott: Lego.

Helen: Build A Bear.

Scott: Build A Bear isn’t a toy, it’s a cuddly, it’s a workshop. It’s Build A Bear Workshop. BBW. What does the ‘W’ stand for?

Helen: Satsuma.

Scott: It’s a workshop.

Helen: It isn’t, it’s where you get your bear.

Scott: No, it’s a workshop.

Do you like toys?

Scott: Oh yes.

Helen: Oh yes.

Scott: Oh yes.

What would the world be like with no toys?

Scott: Boring. It would be the most boring thing in the whole galaxy.

What would you do instead?

Scott: Just play Mario all day.

Helen: If Scott was playing Mario, I wouldn’t have anything to play with.

What about if there wasn’t any Mario?

Scott: I would just sit around all day reading the newspaper.

The newspaper?

Scott: Oh yes.

But you don’t like the newspaper.

Scott: It also would be good for my reading.

So it would be a good thing to have no toys or Mario?

Scott: No, it would be a bad thing, the worst thing in the world.

But it would make you smarter.

Scott: No it wouldn’t. I know all the words in the newspaper anyway. I wish the newspaper was about something else, something good, not something boring adults talk about.

Like what?

Scott: Mario.

It wouldn’t be a newspaper then, would it?

Scott: It would be a Mariopaper, a Marpaper – the Daily Mario.

Lego Ninjago

One of Scott's favourite toys - Lego Ninjago.