Tag Archive: whale

Whales again


What are we talking about, then?

Scott: I’m thinking… Suggestions? I was going to say: “Any suggestions?”

Helen: Like if someone said: “Let’s blog about dogs or whales.” I’d really like to talk about whales – please could we?

Scott: No.

Helen: Could we, Daddy?

It’s really up to Scott.

Scott: I mean, do you have any suggestions?


Scott: Okay.

What is a whale?

Scott: It’s an animal in…

Helen: Water.

Scott: It’s water? I never thought a whale was water.

Helen: It lives in water. That’s true, isn’t it?

Scott: And you said I thought a few blogs ago they’re as big as a double-decker bus.

Helen: No, giraffes are bigger than a double-decker bus.

Would you like a pet whale?

Scott: Too much water would be what I would say. Helen?

Helen: I don’t even know anything about this.

Scott: So Helen, tell me how you would like a pet whale, eh?

Helen: Eh?

You’ve still not told me what a whale is…

Scott: I thought I did.

Kind of – but not really. Helen, what’s a whale?

Helen: It’s something that lives in water – and once, in a book, a whale carried a snail on its tail.

Scott: Yes, but that’s fiction.

Helen: What’s fiction?

Scott: Never you mind, Mrs Bind.



Scott: Yeah. Yeah.

Tell me about fish, then?

Scott: Fish are animals that live under the sea and they can’t come out – if they take a breath of air, they might die.

Helen: And fish pee in the water.

Are fish good or bad?

Helen: Good.

Scott: Good and bad. Some fish can be bad and some fish can be good.

Do we eat fish?

Scott: Yes.

What do they taste like?

Scott: Fishy.

Helen: Yucky.

Scott: They all have different tastes.

What’s your favourite kind of fish to eat?

Scott: That ones that are sweet and sugary.

Like what?

Scott: I don’t know what they’re called.

Sweets shaped like fish?

Scott: No, they’re sweet – the fish tastes sweet.

Real fish?

Scott: Yup.

When did you eat them?

Scott: They were yellow when I ate them, but they were a different colour when they didn’t have their skin on. Was it light pink? I once thought I saw… They were eating fish and one liked the eyes and one didn’t. I can’t remember what the animals were. The one that didn’t like the eyes had the one with the eyes eaten off already.

What’s the best fish in the world?

Helen: A salmon.

Scott: The world’s biggest fish. In the library today, one of my friends had a book on whales and there was one of the world’s biggest whales. It was taller than a house and wider than a car.

How long would it take you to eat that?

Scott: To eat that big one, at least five days.