Tag Archive: X Box

Pay Day 2

23-9-2014 pay day 2

Anything you want to blog about?

Scott: Um… (pause) It’s been ages since we blogged, I can’t think.

Does that not mean you’ll have more to blog about, then?

Scott: No.

Nothing exciting has happened?

Scott: Well, I got the Pay Day 2 demo recently.

You’ve been playing it a lot…

Scott: Yeah.

Your favourite game of the moment.

Scott: Yeah – Ross said you can get the full game for a fiver pre-owned, so I might do that.

Is it quite old?

Scott: It says 2013, so slightly…

Not that old…

Scott: Nope.

Why’s it so cheap, then?

Scott: I don’t know. He just said. I don’t know if it’s true or anything, I might have a look at the weekend.

What’s the point of the game?

Scott: Em… You rob banks and you get money and you spend money and you get guns. And you get even more money and get even better guns, and all that…

And you kill people.

Scott: Not the civilians – you only kill the police.

So you’re a baddie?

Scott: Yeah.

But a baddie who doesn’t kill ordinary people?

Scott: Yeah. Because if you kill the civilians… Why would you kill the civilians? That’s just like killing someone who walks past you in the street.

But why’s it okay to kill police?

Scott: Because they are actually trying to kill you.

Because you’ve done something wrong.

Scott: Yeah.

So do you not deserve it?

Scott: Well… (pause) In a game. You just try and rob the banks. Why do you try and apply real physic-y things to a game?


10-7-2014 sunriseWhat are we blogging about?

Scott: Eh… Em, I don’t know…

Your sleepover last night?

Scott: Alright.

How much sleep did you get in the end?

Scott: Four hours.

You were awake until…

Scott: Half seven, about.

Did you sleep at all before then?

Scott: Eh… Nope.

What did you do all night?

Scott: Played X Box.

All night?

Scott: Yeah, all night and then all that bit of the morning.

Were you not really tired?

Scott: It wears off once you’re at about four o’clock.

Are you not tired now?

Scott: Well… Just a tiny bit.

Try and get as much sleep as you can tonight.

Scott: Yeah, yeah, yeah…

What were you playing anyway?

Scott: Halo 4 and Minecraft.

Just two games all night?

Scott: A tiny bit of Call Of Duty and… That was it apart from that Lego Marvel – and we saw a guy who’d lost his monkey and he’d sing for you if you found it.

Did you find the monkey?

Scott: Nah – instead we blew him up. The old guy, not the monkey…

3-7-2014 CODSo, Call Of Duty 2…

Scott: Call Of Duty Black Ops 2 – you getting bullied by zombies.

I found it quite difficult.

Scott: Eh… You have a bit of a problem with zombie games. And shooters, generally – but mainly zombie games.

How far have you got in it?

Scott: Eh… You mean in the zombie mode?


Scott: You don’t really get far. I’m on level two – two scratches on  the thing.

Is there only one map?

Scott: No, there’s tons of maps – well, a lot of maps…

And can you play them in normal…

Scott: No, that wouldn’t work.

Why not?

Scott: Just… Because I’m not sure… Some of the scenes wouldn’t look right in a normal mode…

What was the flying thing?

Scott: What flying thing?

The thing that attacked…

Scott: You mean the zombie?

The thing that jumped…

Scott: I think it’s like a zombie mouse or something…

Quite deadly.

Scott: Yeah.

Do you need to wipe all the zombies out?

Scott: It never ends. It never ends…

Is it scarier than Red Dead Redemption?

Scott: I don’t know. I haven’t played that in ages – because you didn’t let me play it. It’s… Let’s just say it’s easier in first person.


Scott: It just seems more easier. When I was doing the third person, it didn’t actually work for me.

Is it harder because you’re using old-fashioned cowboy weapons?

Scott: True, true…


Scott: My problem is I’m good generally – but when I’m battling anyone, I’m a complete failure. Simple! (laughs)

Black Ops 2

30-6-2014 black ops 2Call Of Duty Black Ops 2?

Scott: I haven’t played it that much, but okay…

How is it so far?

Scott: Em… I haven’t figure out how to do half the stuff. It’s pretty good, yeah. I understand how Ross plays it loads, so it’s like… You can interact with the stages in a better way. So there’s a pineapple on a shelf and if you hit it with a knife, it’ll fall off the shelf.

Are the controls the same?

Scott: Yeah.

And what’s the point of it?

Scott: Point of every video game – to have fun.

But are you fighting terrorists or…

Scott: I haven’t played the computer yet, so I don’t know. Maybe when I get the hang of it, I can do another blog that’s understanding it.

You can do multi-player?

Scott: Yep.

Has it got as many options as Call Of Duty Ghosts?

Scott: There’s one thing they added – it’s the first time you can ever play as a female.

Just men before?

Scott: Yeah.

Are the weapons good?

Scott: Yep. It was really funny, there’s this kitchen and then there’s just… A baguette in the kitchen and Ross was guarding it. I was going to go through the door, but I saw his hand.

Has it got a zombie mode?

Scott: Yes.

Have you played it yet?

Scott: Eh? Nope, I’ve just started. I really need the toilet… (runs off)


Call Of Duty Ghosts

22-6-2014 codWhat will we blog about?

Scott: Hmm… Hmm…

What did you play with Luke today?

Scott: Call Of Duty Ghosts – for ages.

What’s the name for the new maps?

Scott: What do you mean?

What did we download yesterday?

Scott: That was… Pharoah.


Scott: It’s… The package is Invasion, well? Hope we can get another DLC. See if I have enough money after buying my X Box thing, I can maybe get a DLC.

Helen: I’ll be here for two minutes – what are you talking about?

Scott: Call Of Duty Ghosts.

Helen: Oh – I can’t blog about it.

So we got four new maps.

Scott: Three or four, yes.

What else?

Scott: We also… Eh, four new maps plus I think a new game mode called Top Gun where you get to… When you make a kill,  you get a weapon promotion and it’s a better gun. When you get 20 kills, you’ll be at the best gun and then you just run around killing people. You start  with a pistol…

I don’t think I’m getting any better.

Scott: Hmm… Practice makes perfect. You can play tonight.

What do you call it when the person goes very fast?

Scott: You mean the maniac? The guy with the knife that runs around like a cookie?


Scott: That’s a maniac. You get it buy having 10 kills in certain support packages.

I’ll never get that…

Scott: But there’s a certain mode that doesn’t reset your kill streak when you die. Just get 10 kills in total in one match.

It’s a great game.

Scott: Yeah. If I get another DLC, you can get a new type of gun – a Maverick or a Ripper.


Scott: Wonder which I should get…


18-6-2014 terrariaWant to blog about Terraria?

Scott: Alright. I got it for £3.70 with Gold.

It’s basically like a 2D Minecraft.

Scott: It basically is.

And you have to mine and build.

Scott: You don’t have to – you can do anything, unlike Minecraft. You don’t drop everything when you die.

What’s the point of it?

Scott: Same as the point of Minecraft – your imagination.

Build and survive?

Scott: Build and survive. In Minecraft, you get creative and survival. In Terraria, you only get survival. I don’t think it would work as a 2D platformer if you had a creative mode.

How old is it?

Scott: Em… I don’t know – five or something years old. I got it for £3.70 because I have Gold – it’s about £15 if you don’t.

It was made after Minecraft?

Scott: Yeah. I’m not quite sure…

And what baddies are there?

Scott: Eh… You know – zombies. They exist to try and kill you – or you can kill them.

How big is the world?

Scott: Well, you can choose if it’s going to be small, medium or large.

And who do you play?

Scott: You play this little guy.

Can you do two player?

Scott: Eh… Through Gold I think you can.

Helen, what do you think of Terraria?

Helen: I haven’t played it.

But you’re still playing Minecraft and Call Of Duty Ghosts?

Scott: I’m still playing Call Of Duty.

Helen: But not much Minecraft.

Scott: Not much of any of them after Call Of Duty.

Helen: You prefer to be playing death games.

3-6-2014 codDo you want to blog about Call Of Duty Ghosts again?

Scott: Alright – again. But bear in mind I might unlock even more tomorrow and we might want to talk about it. I could do my own Call Of Duty blog… Yeah, I should do that.

So you’ve sort of got the hang of it now.

Scott: A tiny bit more than sort of…

I saw you actually shoot at things and hit them – you didn’t do that the other day.

Scott: Yeah, that’s what you do whether you’re a noob or not.

How many stages have you unlocked?

Scott: Five or six.

What mission are you on just now?

Scott: Em… It’s like a story and I’ve got to act as the guy in the story. I really hate those points, because you’re supposed to be the best of the best.

What’s your mission?

Scott: Em… Remember that time when I stuck a grenade into tank? The mission is to complete the story of that guy, and it’s 16 years earlier.

Can you explore wherever you want or do you have to follow?

Scott: It’s kind of you have to follow, but I spent about 20 minutes when I was told to go into the truck and I just walked around. I put those little sticky bombs on the side of the trucks and the cars all exploded everywhere.

So if you just explore does anything happen?

Scott: Hmm… Em… Remember the time I explored and the guy with the gasmask stabbed me with a knife? There are consequences.

Other people are wandering about?

Scott: Well, sometimes there are other people wandering about – but usually it’s just you.

Is it better than Halo 4?

Scott: Like, in a way it is – in a way, Halo 4’s better. I don’t know.

10 out of 10 for each?

Scott: Probably.

Can you do me a drawing?

Scott: I still don’t know what my avatar looks like!

You don’t need to know that to do me a drawing.

Scott: Can you find out how to change my avatar on Call Of Duty Ghosts…

Call Of Duty Ghosts


1-6-4 cod ghostsHelen: What are we blogging about? What?

What would you like to blog about?

Helen: Err…


Helen: Err… I’m not sure.

Scott: Are you not going to talk to me?

I didn’t think you were coming.

Scott: What are we blogging about?

I was waiting on you.

Scott: Okay.

What do you think?

Scott: Eh… Nothing, I don’t think anything.

Helen: How about we blog about Emmet and his friends.

What do you think, Scott?

Scott: What should we talk about…

Helen: We spend a lot of time just talking about the blog…

Call Of Duty Ghosts?

Scott: Yeah – Call Of Duty Ghosts.

You got it yesterday and you’ve played it once.

Scott: Yeah. It’s okay, because I don’t understand it.

What do you not understand?

Scott: Like, I don’t understand the storyline… So at the start, you’re running away from an earthquake and then 15 minutes earlier you’re in space shooting random noobs.

I think they’ll explain it.

Scott: How? It’s eight years on from that point, so I don’t think they’ll be any point in explaining it.

I think if you keep playing it, it’ll make sense.

Scott: Okay, maybe I’ll play it.

How difficult was it to play?

Scott: I played it on the easier game mode and my big problem was three repetitive deaths from dropping one metre.

If you keep playing it, you’ll get better.

Scott: Yeah, it’s so hard to sprint, you have to have both of your hands on it to run.

Have you killed anyone yet?

Scott: It was funny when there was a random guy flying in space and I said: “Bye.” Can someone please tell me why it was 15 minutes earlier I was in space.

Can you do a drawing of it?

Scott: Because I can’t draw it, can we just use the cover…

Halo 4

31-5-2014 haloSo, Halo 4…

Scott: True.

Helen: What about it?

Scott traded in his 3DS today and bought it with some of the money he got.

Scott: Yeah – my DS and all my games.

And got Halo 4.

Scott: Yeah – and Call Of Duty Ghosts, in brackets COD.

And I got Fallout 3.

Scott: A let you get a game. What’s that even about?

A first person shooter.

Scott: Ooh… A first person shooter – interesting.

How’s Halo 4?

Scott: Really good graphics.

And the gameplay?

Scott: As good as the graphics.

I seem to be worse at it than the first one.

Scott: How?

You kill me more easily in this one.

Scott: Yeah, with all the new guns and stuff.

What’s your favourite new weapon so far?

Scott: People hate me when I use the sticky detenator – that may be the best of it might be the saw. The saw.

Is one player or two player better?

Scott: Depends what you want to do.

And we also did multi-player.

Scott: Like online multi-player – which was basically you stuck on a plasma cannon.

Marks out of 10?

Scott: Woah – 10!

No Sun

27-5-2014 helen sunHelen: Em… What will we blog about?

Any ideas?

Scott: X Box.

Helen: 360.

Scott: Probably.

Will that be interesting?

Helen: Probably. Nah…

Scott: As interesting as when we blogged about toothbrushes.

Helen: Did we?

Scott: As interesting as most of the other blogs we’ve done.

What’s the most important thing in the world?

Helen: Probably the Sun.

Scott: No, we can live without light.

Helen: If the Sun wasn’t there, none of us would live.

Scott: How would that work?

Helen: Sun gives us one of our vitamins.

Scott: And any other reasons?

Helen: Dad, tell Scott…

It keeps us warm.

Scott: Would it kill us not to be warm?


Scott: We can use fire.

Helen: Fire is warm, Scott…

With no Sun, the Earth would die.

Scott: How?

Because it gives us atmosphere and warmth and lets everything live.

Scott: How does it give us atmosphere? If we were freezing, humans would learn to grow fur.

There would be nothing living on our planet.

Scott: But wouldn’t anything with warm fur evolve into something bigger with fur?

I don’t mean a wee bit…

Scott: What about miles of fur? Okay – I can kind of understand that, now it makes sense.

It’s not the difference between a hot day and a chilly day, it’s the difference between life and death.

Scott: I understand that now.

What about you, Helen?

Scott: (whispers) She doesn’t care.