Tag Archive: X Box

Minecraft skin packs

11-5-2014 skin packScott: Right, you were saying?


Scott: Yes.

What would you like to talk about?

Helen: Em…

Scott: What about… Talk about… How about we talk about the Lego Simpsons figures we got today.

Helen: We already blogged about that last time. Not last time, but… We already blogged about that. What about something else?

Scott: The free party pack they recently added to X Box Live.

Helen: Yeah.

Scott: You can’t about that because you haven’t played it.

Helen: I can still talk about it.

So, Stampy…

Scott: Stampy is one of the skins, but it’s not called Stampy – it’s called Fidget which is something out of Dust.

And he wears a party hat?

Scott: Yeah.

Helen: Yeah.

Scott: Yeah, because you do need to have the Summer activity pack to have it. There’s also a version of Banjo Kazooie – if people don’t know who that is, it’s what L For Lee dressed as.

Helen: With a backpack.

A backpack?

Helen: No. It looks like a backpack, but it’s just a bird.

I thought Stampy had his own skin.

Scott: That would make a great app.

Helen: Oh Scott…

Scott: And one skin…

Helen: Imagine you could make a skin pack and then show it to Mojang and they’d make it a skin pack.

Scott: No, it would be for you.

Helen: Hmm… That would be a really, really cool app.

Scott: And you could have up to three skins at one time.

Maybe you could make that.

Scott: I bet it would be so popular.

Helen: You’d have to talk to Mojang about that – or even 4J. Probably Mojang…

Being sick

10-5-2014 sickHelen: What are we going to blog about? That’s hard…

What happened today?

Helen: Well, I was kind of sick.

Could blog about that…

Helen: Yeah, I’ll try.

Can you draw that?

Helen: Probably.

Scott: Hey – can I be included in this blog?

Helen: Yeah – me being sick.

Scott: Oh, really…

Helen: Scott was sick because he got a tiny one of my bugs.

Scott: It crawled up my nose and into my brain and infected me.

Helen: I was kind of sick as well.

You were very pukey, Helen.

Helen: Yeah – quite pukey in the morning.

Scott: Some points you’re: “heh heh” and other points you’re… (lies face down in floor)

Helen: I know – the bug makes me tired, It doesn’t make me sick.

Scott: Tired bug!

Helen: In the morning, it made me sick and now it’s making me tired and sleepy.

Scott: I wish… You like should be Doctor Mario. Pills and more pills – just like that…

Helen: Don’t you do that to me.

Anything else happen today?

Helen: Em…

Scott: I got two free Minecraft skinpacks on my X Box which are epic. One is Stampy Longnose and one of the others is Ballistic Squid.

Helen: I’m imagining this really cool thing…

Scott: And…

Helen: One would be the Stampy texture pack. And the SS Stampy would work! How would that… That would be so…

What would be the ultimate skinpack?

Scott: Quite easy – a totally updated 15 pack. An emerald man…

Helen: Anvil man…

Scott: His body is an anvil.

Helen: If anything touched it…

Scott: If you punched it, it would make the noise an anvil makes.


4-5-2014 haloSo, we got Halo yesterday.

Scott: Wait, wait.. I need the toilet. (runs off and comes back later)

So, we got Halo yesterday.

Scott: Yes.

How is it?

Scott: It’s great.

What do you have to do?

Scott: It’s just like a first person shooter game in… Set in the future.

And who do you kill?

Scott: Aliens.

We’ve escaped the spaceship…

Scott: Yeah.

Landed on the planet…

Scott: Yep, yep…

And found the other humans…

Scott: Yep – hummus.

What do we do now?

Scott: Em… We’ve got to just fight the endless hoardes of enemies threatening to kill us, probably.

Is that it?

Scott: Eh… So far.

We had a two player game today.

Scott: Yeah – we did a two player game.

Who was better, you or me?

Scott: Well – depends on what way, probably.

In the killing aliens way?

Scott: Hmm… Probably me.

Simpsons Lego

3-5-2014 simpsonsSo, Simpsons Lego minifigures…

Scott: Yeah.

We just found out by chance today that there are Lego minifigures packs out – we can talk about that.

Scott: Yeah – and maybe some of the other stuff I got.

What other stuff?

Scott: You know, like Halo and the game I got free with X Box Gold.

We can talk about Halo tomorrow.

Scott: Heh…

And we can talk about the Simpsons tonight.

Scott: Okay.

We just found out randomly when we saw them in a shop.

Scott: Yeah – and there might even be a Lego Simpsons movie.

And we got four of them.

Scott: That would make such a cool animation – the normal sitting down animation but in Lego.

So we got four minifigures…

Scott: Yeah – if we got the whole of the Simpsons family, we could make a sitting down video.

What’s the best one you got?

Scott: Eh… Homer or Itchy and Scratchy.

Which is the best in the series?

Scott: Em… (reads leaflet) I think they look like they’re all pretty good, but you’d be pretty annoyed if you got Millhouse – although it’s one you need to complete your collection. Maybe the best one might be… That’s hard. They’re all really cool.


Scott: Ha ha…

Red Dead Redemption

5-4-2014 rddSo I bought Red Dead Redemption this week…

Scott: And I finally got to play it.

How is it?

Scott: Amazing.

What’s the best thing about it?

Scott: I’ve got… I, like… I’ve got…

You’ve got?

Scott: That you’ve got both editions so I can alternate between both.

What’s your favourite one?

Scott: Em… I haven’t really got a favourite at the moment because I haven’t played much of either of them.

You’re good…

Scott: At the moment, it’s probably the zombie edition because you get to shoot more.

You are good at the shooting.

Scott: Yeah.

I’m better at the horse riding, though.

Scott: Yeah.

It’s an 18.

Scott: No, it’s not a PEGI – it’s a film rating 18, for some reason.


Scott: Look on the box, seriously.

So you’re a bit young to be playing it.

Scott: But… No-one reads age ratings nowadays.

Why are they there, then?

Scott: For people who think they’re being sad reading age rating and so shops can discipline people on what they can and can’t play. And so they can make funny little logos on the bottom of the box.

It is quite violent.

Scott: Yeah – but I’m not scared of that or anything.

Not scared of zombies?

Scott: Nope. You should have seen the one I was battling earlier.

Are you scared of zombies, Helen?

Helen: Sort of.


Helen: I just sort of am.

Have you ever met one?

Helen: No, but I am kind of scared.

Almost 10

26-2-2014 baguetteWhat do you want to talk about?

Scott: It’s my birthday tomorrow… Yay!

Do you want to talk about that?

Scott: Well…

Or will that just get you excited?

Scott: I probably won’t be able to sleep anyway, to be honest.

What did we do on my birthday yesterday?

Scott: Went to karaoke and then went to the Vintage.

Was that fun?

Scott: Yeah.

Will yours be more fun?

Scott: I don’t know. To some people it might but to some people it might not, you know.

What are we doing tomorrow?

Scott: Em… Going to see the Lego Movie, and get to be 10.

And we’ll go for something to eat afterwards.

Scott: Yeah.

And then you’ll go out with your pals on Saturday – bowling and dinner.

Scott: Yep.

How do you feel about being 10 tomorrow?

Scott: Sort of excited.

Excited about your birthday, or excited about being 10?

Scott: Because it’s my birthday – they’re both the same thing.

Is being 10 significant?

Scott: Well, it’s the first, like, 10s number so it’s sort of special.

And what are you hoping to get for your birthday?

Scott: I’m hoping for a thing to record my X Box videos and a new X Box Live adaptor, some of the Lego Movie stuff and some more Lego Movie minifigures. You know, that sort of stuff.

We’ll see tomorrow…

Scott: You already know – but I don’t.

Santa might come tonight.

Scott: (laughs) That’s not going to happen.

No presents for you, then.

Scott: Jimmy!

  • When I asked Scott what this drawing has to do with his birthday, he replied: “It has nothing to do with my birthday and I’m proud of it – I’m a failure!”

Minecraft again

18-1-2014 minecraftWhat are we blogging about?

Scott: (pause) Em… Remember how you tried to play Minecraft?

Yeah, I was rubbish.

Scott: We could blog about that.

What will the drawing be?

Scott: I’ve got a good idea for a drawing.


Scott: You’ll see.

A surprise.

Scott: Yeah.

How do you think I got on?

Scott: Well, like there’s… Depends… Like… You were good for helping out with little things – you did get some wheat. Maybe for surviving, you did okay. Helen did worse because she died every five minutes.

I just felt very old, like I didn’t know I was doing…

Scott: Em… Way better than Helen done.

And I beat you at the game we played earlier.

Scott: Yeah.

What was that called?

Scott: Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed.

I liked that.

Scott: I hated the sky levels.

I thought that was a bit difficult.

Scott: You found them easy!

It was harder than…

Scott: And I was glitched – when I was supposed to be in a boat, I was in a plan.

It was harder to fly than drive.

Scott: Yeah – that’s something I can admit.

Minecraft is still your favourite game?

Scott: Yeah.

And you might get a new Minecraft figure for being in the good book at school.

Scott: Yeah – we can probably blog about that tomorrow if we get it.


11-1-2014 turtle beachWhat are we talking about?

Scott: Hmm… Good question.

Anything exciting happen over the past couple of days since we blogged?

Scott: Hmm… Well, I got a Turtle Beach headset today.

That’s exciting…

Scott: Yeah… Can you take a photo of me wearing them as the thingy?


Scott: Good.

Was so good about the headphones?

Scott: For some weird reason, they wouldn’t work with the X Box. But it’s still quite good to get them, right? Even though I turned them on, weirdly they weren’t working.

So what should they do?

Scott: Like… If they’d work, I’d be able to not distract anyone when I’m playing. For example, if someone was trying to sleep. Or if I had X Box Live, I could talk to other people.


Scott: Yeah.

And what’s the best game to play it with?

Scott: Probably Minecraft. Probably. There are other games that are good with X Box Live too, but it’s probably Minecraft.

And you’re going to record them.

Scott: I’d like a recording thing for my birthday.

So you can upload videos.

Scott: Yeah – on to my YouTube channel.

Videos of what?

Scott: Like “let’s plays” on Minecraft survival.

And you can talk over the video using your headphones?

Scott: Yeah – to show what I’m doing and stuff.

Sounds good.

Scott: Yep.

We’ll see how we got on when it’s your birthday.

Scott: Can you edit the blog after you’ve posted it?

Yeah – why?

Scott: Once I’ve made my “let’s plays”, I can add links to them…

Boxing Day

27-12-2013 boxing day

Some of the gifts Scott received on Boxing Day…

What will we talk about?

Scott: Okay – how about Boxing Day?

Okay – what did we do?

Scott: Good question… And so… We went over to Gran and Grandpa’s and got presents from them… And lots of other people came as well, and vice versa.

What presents did you get?

Scott: Well, I got some X Box games. I got a Lego set and got… I got other things. Some clothes.

You got Lego Lord Of The Rings.

Scott: Yeah.


Scott: For the X Box.

How is it?

Scott: It’s quite good. Not as much as I like Minecraft.

It’s great with two players, though.

Scott: Everything’s good with… Not everything’s good with two players, but lots of things are.

We haven’t played the racing game yet.

Scott: Sonic All Stars Racing.

We can try that tomorrow.

Scott: Maybe…

If you’re not playing Minecraft…

Scott: If the HDMI cable arrives tomorrow, you can do Minecraft with me.

What games did we play yesterday?

Scott: Yesterday… We did like… What do you mean “games”?

Like Christmas family games.

Scott: You mean that game of charades we did?

Yeah – how was that?

Scott: It was okay.

Who won?

Scott: I’m not sure – no-one actually kept track.

How did Grandpa do?

Scott: No Thong Song.

But he was still funny.

Scott: Sometimes, I guess…

363 days until Christmas…

Scott: Wah!

Christmas Day

25-12-2013 xmas dayHow was Christmas Day?

Scott: Gr… Amazing!

When did you wake up?

Scott: Helen woke me up at 4am. I told her not to wake me until seven o’clock – gee…

She went back to sleep, but you didn’t.

Scott: No. She had known I was that sort of person.

Did you get good presents?

Scott: In my stocking, it wasn’t stuff that could entertain me until seven o’clock.

What about the stuff under the tree?

Scott: Oh yeah – that was good. I played the X Box a lot of the time.

What other good things did you get?

Scott: The X Box was the best. I quite liked the Steve figure and the nine trolls that I got from Helen.

Have you given them all names yet?

Scott: I’m working on that right now. Did you get any photos? We can just use them.

Yeah. You liked your Christmas meal, too.

Scott: Yeah – that was great. And I learned some red stone wizardry in Minecraft.

And Gran’s trying to teach you how to knit.

Scott: Yeah.

Good day?

Scott: Yeah.

Marks out of 10?

Scott: 10.


Scott: Okay…