Tag Archive: X Box

Christmas Eve

24-12-2013 xmas eveIt’s Christmas Eve…

Scott: Yay! It’s going to be Christmas tomorrow!

Helen: Woo! And if some of you are reading this late, you might not think this is Christmas if you’re reading this in January.

Are you excited?

Scott: Course I’m excited – I’ve been excited 24-7 since November.

Helen: Me too. At the end of November somebody in my class said: “It’s Christmas tomorrow.”

Have you been good this year?

Helen: Yes.

Scott: I’ve tried.

Helen: Me too. Scott’s been bad and I’ve been good.

What do you want Santa to bring you?

Scott: I want an X Box 360 and Minecraft X Box edition.

What about you, Helen?

Helen: I don’t know. The thing I would want the most on my list is a hat with gloves on it.

Scott: I thought you wanted real Lego?

Helen: I want that too.

Will you sleep tonight?

Scott: Probably not – but I probably will in the end.

Helen: Of course I will – I don’t get too excited about Christmas.

Scott: Are you Ebeneezer Scrooge?

Helen: I get excited – but I still sleep.

Nintendo 64

26-11-2013 N64Eh…

Scott: Yeah?

What are we blogging about?

Scott: I don’t know.

The Nintendo 64?

Scott: Alright.

Because we got a cable today that means we can use the N64 again.

Scott: Yeah – and it doesn’t go all fuzzy like it used to.

So you’re going to play with it for a while?

Scott: I guess. Yeah – until Christmas, I’d say.

What did you play today?

Scott: Some Mario, Mario 64. A bit of Mario Party. And I guess that’s all…

Is Mario 64 still the best?

Scott: Don’t know – haven’t tried them all yet.

Is it better than the Wii?

Scott: Well… The Wii edition of Mario N64, the controls were a lot less playable.

I much prefer it on the N64.

Scott: But the DS edition is even better than the 64 version.

The graphics…

Scott: Two reasons – and I wasn’t going to mention the graphics. The controls are just as good and there are four playable characters, five if you include the hack.

So what’s happening at Christmas?

Scott: What do you mean? I’m asking for an X Box 360 with Minecraft on it.

I hope Santa reads this…

Scott: Hmm…

Any other games you’d like?

Scott: Well, I’ve got my eye on the Marvel Super Heroes. I wish they’d make a Minecraft X Box with Kinnect.

I’ve heard Kinnect doesn’t work that well.

Scott: That’s on the X Box One it doesn’t work well. On the 360, it’s amazing. I bet that’s what you’ve heard.

One month until Christmas…

Scott: Oh no…

Does that still seem like a long time?

Scott: I guess. What date is it today?

I can’t remember – 25th I think?

Scott: Exactly a month! Bam!

Lego Batman

So, tell me about Lego Batman.

Scott: And don’t forget we’re talking about the video game.


Scott: Well, it’s actually… so far I’ve unlocked a five player level.

Let’s go back as bit – what’s the game about?

Scott: It’s about catching the Joker. Well, I’m not sure which one he is – I don’t think he’s Two Face.

Who is Batman?

Scott: Eh… eh… That’s a really hard one you picked. Eh… eh… Batman is a person dressed up as a bat.

Helen: He’s a man. He’s a bat and a man.

Scott: Helen!

Helen: (crying) Scott nipped me…

Is Batman a goodie or a baddie?

Scott: Goodie. The goodest goodie you can think of.

Who is Robin?

Scott: Robin… I… I… eh… Can you just leave that question please?

What do you need to do in the video game?

Scott: It’s sort of about building the Lego to complete the levels. Sometimes there’s turner things you have to turn to open a door or work an elevator.

How do you win the game?

Scott: Sort of by defeating all the bosses. There’s one boss a level. There’s one thing I’m not sure about – maybe the bosses come back.

You mean they’re not really dead?

Scott: They come back in another level. On the X Box, you have to complete all the levels before you get free play – Luke told me today.

What’s better – Batman Lego or the video game?

Scott: The video game I think.


Scott: Because you don’t have to do much building – like… but… In the real Lego, you have to build it until you play with it. In the video game, some bits aren’t made of Lego.

What’s best – one player or two player?

Scott: One player is really good.

Is it not better with two people?

Scott: Can I tell you, only one player is better. One player is better because ‘press C to change your character’, unless it’s story mode and you were at the start and you were Batman and you can press C to be Robin.

It’s better because you can change characters?

Scott: Yes. It’s especially good if it’s story mode. Two players can be the same person in free mode at the same time.

Helen, what do you think of Batman?

Helen: He’s got a blue bag.

What’s in the bag?

Helen: Em… a toilet.

Are you just saying what you see?

Helen: Yeah… and he has a dog called Moo.

Is that true?

Scott: No. No. No matter how many times I’ve played the video game, there’s no dog.

Lego Batman

A screenshot from Lego Batman on the Wii. Not really, it's Scott's brilliant drawing of the video game.